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Stereotypes And Misconceptions Essay

Stereotypes and misconceptions are based on thoughts about a group of people who are one way but are another way. People must separate the truth from the two. The stereotypes are use to categorize a group of people that give others a mental picture of what the group is like. These can be based on truth but often are exaggerated at times. Misconceptions are views that are incorrect. Assumptions that are made about a group are mostly incorrect. Usually are based on stereotypes that are not exaggerated at all.

All stereotypes are negative but in most cases they’re negative rather than positive. People with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are victims of stereotyping and misconceptions because of what happens because of this disorder. Different types of groups, products or people are faced with stereotypes and misconceptions. According to the online article Simply Psychology, According to the online article Simply Psychology, Saul McLeod, a Psychology (BSc) Tutor at The University of Manchester, a stereotype is “… a fixed, overgeneralized belief about a particular group or class of people.

Most are based on individuals or an individual thing that matches the characteristics of the said stereotype. By using stereotyping people assume that a person, thing or group has certain characteristics or abilities. Usually most are negative rather than positive. Some might go a little overboard but it is up to the person that hears the stereotype, whether to believe it or not. Conflict may even cause stereotypes since people always assume the worst when it comes to something or someone that is not well liked. Just because one person or thing is one way does not mean other is exactly the same.

Everything and everyone has their own characteristics and abilities as do objects. A misconception is an opinion that is incorrect because it is based on faulty understanding. These are usually formed by perpetuated stereotypes. There are tons of in the world and are used on a daily basis. The media, the public, and even form misconceptions. People believe what is said if comes from a reliable source or person. The public may think if someone important says it, it must be true. Even though someone may say something, it is not always true.

Get to know who are what is being worked with before it is judged by something that was heard or seen on tv. Things may have been exaggerated or even sugarcoated to make something or someone look good. Both stereotypes and misconceptions are used everyday and affect people’s lives. Nothing will stop them from becoming what the two are. Someone will always judge something or someone. It just depends on the type of consumer whether or not what is said is thought to be true or not. Continue to believe oneself thoughts and do not let others opinions affect what is already known.

An example of a Stereotype is when people judged the people in band for being nerds or very smart. Based on what people see and say on TV. In most movies and tv shows the students that are in band are referred to geeks or nerds. In high school the students that take band are all different. Not every single person is the same. Some may have the same interest but that is about it. An example of a misconception is when people see men reading books it means he is a nerd. Just because he is reading a book does not mean he is a nerd.

It could be that he has a paper to write about a book, just wanted to read a book to pass time or maybe he just really wanted to read a book. Whatever the man was doing does not necessarily judge his character. That idea is incorrect about all men that read books. The book might be a book that was made into a movie and he really wanted to read the book since the books go into depth of what happens in the story. Another example could be that all books are boring. Not all books are boring to people it just depends what the person reading the book is interested in.

It’s like that saying don’t judge a book by its cover. Read it first and them give an opinion about it. Maybe it was a good book for the reader or maybe it wasn’t. Imagining have a hard time sleeping, hanging out with friends, and just doing normal activities that may cause you to remember something you want to forget. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder also known as PTSD is a disorder that is described as failure to recover from experiencing or witnessing a terrifying event. Many people suffer from this disorder and are unable to live a “normal” life.

Most will experience anxiety and flashbacks triggered by a traumatic event. According to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder an online article, by The Nebraska Department of Veterans, no one chooses to be this way, but there is an estimate of 7. 8 % of American will suffer from PTSD in his or her lifetime. About 3. 6 % aged from 18 to 54 experience PTSD is a given year. A big key point is to support the people suffering from this. Be very patient and learn more about this disorder. This disorder is treatable and isn’t as crazy as people think it is.

The people who suffer from this are not always people who served in the military. It be someone who was in a terrible accident, was a victim of sexual assault, was a victim of child abuse, or witnessing a tragic event. People who think of people with PTSD think that they are just crazy and are over exaggerating. Both men and women suffer from this disorder. Anyone can get it at any age and any race. Some say that no one should be around the person who has PTSD. The person may be harmful to others and his or herself is another thing that might people say.

Having a strong support group, friends, and family can help someone dealing with this disorder feel that he or she can get through this. Having the disorder does not mean the person is crazy, it means the person is crazy it means that he or she went through something. Mental illness does not discriminate, people do. Having experienced dealing with someone who has PTSD is hard. The person dealing with disorder is always having a hard time with doing anything he or she normally would do. Any little thing could trigger a flashback of what happened to the person.

My aunt had witnessed a tragic event when she walked into a room seen her boyfriend hang himself. She was a traumatized that she was diagnosed with PTSD. Her days were never the same after that. Never seen her like that before, at the time I was just a young little girl, but that time is still remembered like it was yesterday. The days seemed so long, any little thing that reminded her of the time of the tragic event caused her to have a breakdown or even an anxiety attacks. After finding out she was pregnant from her late boyfriend things got a little better but she still had days she was at her worse.

She continued to get better as the baby boy was born. She wanted to better herself for her son. It was difficult but she did get through it and was able to start her own family and get a job to support herself and her family. My family was very proud of her and still is because she surprised us everyday by overcoming what had happened to her. She is able to talk about it and see pictures of her late boyfriend. She is able to talk to her son, who is now 9 going on 10, about his dad and who he was. She is my role modle, I look up to her for being able to do what she did.

Her being happy is so wonderful and I hope everything she ever hoped for continues to come her way. Misunderstanding about any group of people is very common. According to 8 Common Myths About PTSD Debunked an online article, Pamela Holtz, U. S. Army Reserve officer pursuing a doctorate in Clinical Psychology at the University of North Texas, states that” Misunderstanding can lead to various negative implications, such as prejudice and maltreatment. “, which is very true in most cases. These are nothing new to the human world.

Holtz also says, “For as long as humans have been fighting wars, there has been a psychological impact of warfare, as well as a misunderstanding about PTSD and its implications”. Common myths of PTSD are that this disorder is a sign of weakness, anything can be traumatic, you can get this disorder right after experiencing something traumatic, people with this disorder can be crazy or very dangerous, people with this cannot function properly, or nothing can be done to help someone with the disorder. So much is to be learned to actually understand what this disorder is really about.

Living with someone or knowing someone who is suffering from this might be hard but if the family knows more about what is happening they could help the healing processes. The recovery will not come as easy as it may seem, it will take some time so patience is a big key. Putting the person down will only cause the person to get worse. In a personal interview with Martin Almaraz Senior, his youngest daughter, Kristi, suffered from PTSD. He said It was very difficult for his daughter to live her life. She could not sleep or eat.

It was hard to leave her alone by herself because she would freak out and think she was going to go through what she did again. When he told people about her they had thought she was serving in the military, but it wasn’t because of that. It was because she witnessed a traumatic event of walking into a room where she seen her boyfriend hanging himself. Some family members thought she was just over exaggerating and was just being difficult because she wanted attention. The crying at random moments the gasping well crying like little kids did was thought to be highly exaggerated when she did it.

Some peope would yell at her and make her outburst to be worse that what it actually was. No one exactly understood what she was going through. Living with the disorder is difficult but it can be beaten. Today his daughter, Kristi, is doing much better than she did but she still has those moments that frighten her. She has a job now and she has a little family of her own and Martin is definitely grateful that is daughter is doing very good. The way someone thinks of another person can cause other people to believe it because that person may trust that person.

Stereotypes and misconceptions are not going anywhere anytime soon so people need to realize what is fake and what is not. Not all are negative and not all are positive. Some may see bad and some may seem good to certain people. Get to know people before you judge them. Being different is good not bad. Assumptions are not always true, looks can be deceiving when it comes to people being a certain way. Like when it comes to people having PTSD, get to know what it is like having the disorder before you judge the person for being the way the person is. Knowledge is important. Take the extra step to learn more before you judge.

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