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They aimed to attack ships that were carrying weapons to the allies (the Louisiana, the passenger ship that head weapons on board; 128 Americans died) Zeppelins large German airships Convoy a group of unarmed ships surrounded by armed ships Success of the Convoy System the system eliminated the sinking of allied ships (the Louisianan) Natives favoritism of native born citizens over immigrants. The literacy best for immigrants was revived during WWW Imperialism a country attempts to expand its power and influence over other countries, through diplomacy or military force.

The acquiring of UN colonized areas of the world is an example of this during the WWW era. American opposition to Germany Americans opposed Germany because of their frightening militarism, especially on the seas with their submarine warfare. Americans believed the German use of submarine warfare was uncivilized. Sussex Pledge Germany’s promise to warn ships before attacking (which was broken) Germany’s violation of Sussex pledge they violated the pledge by having their u-boats remain hidden and firing without warning.

They sank three united states ships prompting president Wilson to urge congress to Clare war on Germany. Network of alliances (connect this to WWW involvement) much of Europe was drawn into war because of the network of alliances Power of modern weapons during WWW ushered in the modern era of war with sophisticated weapons including tanks and machine guns Russian Revolution monarchy in Russia was replaced by a republican government in the revolution leading to the rise of communism. Americans were more willing to join the allies after the Russian revolution.

Russia eventually exited the war which increased pressure on the allies because now Germany didn’t eave to fight in two fronts (western and eastern) Wilson urged a War Resolution when the Germans sank three united states ships. African Americans in World War I were mostly utilized for manual labor Genocide organized killing of an entire group of people Effects of Russians exit from the war increased pressure on the allies because Germany didn’t have to fight on both the eastern and western fronts anymore Chateau-Thither American marines helped save Paris by stopping the German advance.

Watershed turn of events in the war. As Germany weakened, the allies sought. He unconditional surrender of Germany Death toll from World War extraordinarily high. Higher than ever seen before. Armistice occurs when a cease fire is declared between countries Liberty Bonds Americans bought bonds from the US government to help finance the war. This allowed the US to loan more than $10 billion dollars to the allies Sedition speech or action that causes or encourages rebellion against the state The Sedition Act made it illegal to discuss anything negative about the government, the constitution, the army, or the navy.

Price controls system of rice setting put in place by the government Rationing distribution of goods in a fixed amount Selective Service Act in place to build up the armed forces (draft) Response: was met with enthusiasm for the most part. The War Industries Board was able to have far reaching powers, including the ability to fix prices Treaty of Versailles The Treaty of Versailles ended world war 1 was never ratified by the us senate. The us signed a separate treaty with Germany League of Nations president Wilson was unsuccessful in convincing the congress to approve the league of nations.

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