All major assertions in the essay are supported by multiple pieces of relevant evidence. May contain errors that do not detract from the argument.. 6-7 Points Thesis is explicit and responsive to the question. Organization is clear and effective in support of the argument but not consistently followed. Essay is balanced; all major topics suggested by the romp are covered at least briefly. All major assertions in the essay are supported by at least one piece of relevant evidence. May contain an error that detracts from the argument. –5 Points Thesis is explicit but not fully responsive to the question. Organization is clear and effective in support oft he argument but not consistently followed. Essay shows some imbalance; some major topics suggested by the prompt are neglected. Most of the major assertions in the essay are supported by least one piece of relevant evidence. May contain a few errors that detract from the argument. -3 points No explicit thesis or a thesis that merely repeats/paraphrases the prompt.
Organization is unclear and ineffective. Essay shows serious imbalance; most major topics suggested by the prompt are neglected. Only one or two major assertions are supported by relevant evidence. May contain several errors that detract from the argument. 0-1 points No discernible attempt at a thesis. No discernible organization. One or none of the major topics suggested by the prompt is mentioned. Little or no supporting evidence used. May contain numerous errors that detract from the argument.