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Essay on Heart Rate Lab Report

For the human’s heart rate to speed up, decrease, or stay the same, the volume of sound has a high effect on the heart. However, if people will let down the volume of sound, others would not be mannered by the increase in volume managing to the deadly heart attack. Sound within the community, for instance, traffic can cause a human’s heart rate of increase. Problem of heartbeat tends to be solved by seeing what kind of sound causes the increase of heart rates to place a termination to increase of heart rate. If sound causes the heart rate of increase, continuous sounds mainspring the heart rate to speed up.

Soft sounds will cause he heart to stick the same rate to the human body or increase by a little. During the experiment, the experiment requires 15-20 participants between the age 12-14-year-olds listening to all the different sound given to them in headphones to a phone. All of the participants will not be able to talk the entire trial. The tested participant will be sitting in a chair. Each category of sound will have a different length of time. The participants will be attached to a heart rate monitor which records the heart rate. Each sound have a different length of time. Importantly, the volume of the sound on my computer will be 60 dB.

Sounds measurements will already be documented. All sounds will be prearranged for participants. Eight sounds will be in order for each participant. While giving all of the sounds, I will measure their heartbeats. After measuring all sounds, the participant will be done listening. Ultimately, all of the measurements will be graphed. Heart rate is very effective in our body. Wikimedia Foundation Inc. stated, “Heart rate is the speed of the heartbeat measured by the number of contractions of the heart per minute”(1). In other words, each beat of the heart is measured by the amount of process per minute.

The top locations to discover the pulse is in the wrist, inside of your elbow, side of your neck, and finally the top of the foot (Pulse 1). All places to your pulse will help you find your heart rate by listening to each beat per minute. “Tachycardia is a fast heart rate, defined as above 100 bpm at rest. Bradycardia is a slow heart rate, defined as below 60 bpm at rest,” was clarified by Wikimedia Foundation Inc. (2). Tachycardia means your heart rate is rapidly ascending fast for a purpose like sound. Bradycardia means your heart rate is descending normally or your heart is slowing down.

Importantly, eart rate occurs when temperature and humidity soars, when sitting down and emotions like stressing comes, when your body size is obese, or even when your medication blocks your adrenaline (Pulse 1). An instrument used to measure the heart rate is called a stethoscope. A stethoscope is a device physicians used to hear the sounds produced by certain organs of the body, such as the heart, lungs, intestines, veins, and arteries. Rene Laennec, a French physician, made the first stethoscope from a hollow wooden tube in 1816 (Shahady 1). In conclusion, each beat of the heart is a beating for a purpose.

Sound is much ore than something you can just hear or listen to. “In physics, a sound is a vibration that propagates as a typically audible mechanical wave of pressure and displacement, through a medium such as air or water” was explained by Wikimedia Foundation Inc. (1). In other words, a sound is a wave of pressure and displacement of something living or even non- living. Sound advances through air or water. In the end, it is unknown who may have uncovered sound. In the 1500s, Leonardo Da Vinci uncovered sound travels in waves. In the 1600s, Martin Mersenne was the first scientist to measure the speed of sound in the air.

Other scientists who studied sound was Galileo, Kircher, Newton and Boyle and Hook (Sound 1). Many great scientists in the past showed the future each and everything figured out concerning sound. “Sound travels through materials as a wave of pressure. As a sound wave passes through the air, molecules in some regions are temporarily pushed closer together (higher pressure) while adjacent molecules are pulled further apart (lower pressure)” was said by UCSB ScienceLine (1). Therefore, when sound is pushed together the sound is pressure is higher. When sound is pulled away there is low pressure for sound.

A continuous sound is produced continuously by machinery, continuing running without interruption like a heating or ventilation system. An intermittent sound is a level that increases and decreases rapidly like an aircraft passing by. An impulsive sound is a sudden burst of noise can startle you by its fast and surprising nature like an explosion or firework. Finally, low- frequency sound makes up part of the fabric of our daily soundscape parallel to humming from the power plant (Noise 1). Each sound perceived by humans and animals are all continuous, intermittent, impulsive, or low frequency.

As a esult, heart rate along with sound is around the world and affects humans and animals in many ways. There are previous and similar to the heart rate with sound experiment. For exercising with heart rate the experiment requires participants, a track, water, and a heart rate monitor. The experiment was testing the effect on heart rate while exercising and the heart rate speed. The results on heart rate by exercising is muscle have less oxygen in your muscles and dehydration occurs (Jess, Sedano, and Sabin 1). Another experiment requiring heart rate and sound was testing the effect of music on heart rate.

The requirements of the science experiment are the age 35 years old, heart rate monitor, a radio, and a loud music and quiet music. The different music is fast tempo and slow tempo. The experiment was seeing if slow music decreased heart rate and loud music increases heart rate. The hypothesis was accepted. Previous science experiments have shown future science projects heart rate increases by exercising and of course loud music. Under heart rate consequences, heart rate involving sound leads to sometimes death. Continuous, intermittent, and impulsive sounds are affecting people’s lives by death.

Living’s heart rate is increasing by the second, because of loud sounds. Mercola explained, “When you’re exposed to loud noise, stress hormones such as cortisol, adrenaline, and noradrenaline become elevated. Over time, this can lead to high blood pressure, stroke, and heart failure” (1). Loud noise can cause the heart rate to elevate causing a heart attack. “No such association was found among people with one-sided hearing loss or low-frequency hearing loss (which are less likely to be due to noise exposure)”, was noted from Mercola (1). No associations found people with low- requency loss.

Low-frequency is not effective towards the community instead of others. In the future, sound from different objects should be created with lower sound volume to help prevent deaths. Heart rate, sound, and the consequences are supportive towards the community and the world. Heart rate and sound can lead to death for the innocents, because of continuous, intermittent, impulsive and not importantly low frequency. Between continuous, intermittent, and impulsive sounds, and low frequency, the science experiment is to see which sound is the worst of people and the community.

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