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American Superiority Essay

In his series of essays and “letters” on American life, Michel-Guillaume-Jean de Crevecoeur gives his readers numerous examples of the superiority of America to all other countries of that time. He believes that one reason for superiority is that America is with out the aristocracy so prevalent in Europe at the time, which led to a hard working and socially equal society. Another reason Crevecoeur sees America as a superior society is the accepting, and assimilating into one new race, the poor peoples from all European countries.

This led to an extraordinarily diverse population, much more diverse than ny one of the European countries eight-tenth century. It was for these reasons, as well as many others that Crevecoeur saw America as the greatest nation of the 1700s. Crevecoeur admires the equality and the freedom of the American people. He sees life without the harsh rule of kings and bishops as much more easy going and pleasing to the general public. The lack of an established aristocracy allows for the rich and the poor to intermingle and exchange ideas in a way never thought before in Europe.

The classes were also brought to a single level by the fact that all people in the colonies had to work to survive. The rich and poor alike had to, at first, work their own land to supply food and income to support themselves and their families. This requirement for work led to the American people being very industries and self sufficient, even under adverse conditions. The leveling of the classes in America is seen, by Crevecoeur, as an amazing accomplishment for any nation of the time; and therefore, makes it the greatest in the world. Another point Crevecoeur makes is that all people, from all countries, and of all status are welcome here.

This acceptance of many diverse people became a hallmark of American society. That hallmark was unique to our new country, as a certain majority group dominated most others, while the minorities were harshly suppressed. America accepts those who have no country to call their home. Here these people are “adopted” by a new country and are given both an identity and a future, with endless possibilities. Here people are rewarded for their labor with the chance to better their lives: much unlike the rigid class system of Europe. And finally people of many races are “melted” into a new race with the ability to “change the world”.

Crevecoeur saw the assimilating of many various cultures as a major sign of the superiority of the American people. Michel-Guillaume-Jean de Crevecoeur conveys strong feelings of American superiority in his various writings. He believes that the loss of a classed society most definitely raises the American people above people of other lands. He also sees the assimilation of hundreds of cultures into one as a huge step forward for the American people and the world. Crevecoeur has many arguments for why America is better than other countries; many of which may still be valid to this day.

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