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What Would You Be Doing When You’re 17

Most teens would party, but when Cleopatra was 17, she became the Queen of Egypt. Cleopatra V11 was born in 69BC. and died in 30Bc. Between 69BC. to 30BC, she was the last pharaoh. Cleopatra lived most of her life in Alexandra with her brother Ptolemy. Cleopatra married her brother Ptolemy, because they wanted to rule Egypt together. They did for quite some time. But it all changed when Ptolemy got sick and died.

After the death of Ptolemy she found a great emperor who she then fell in love with, and then married. She then became “a woman of great ambition, intelligence, vigor, and fascination. ” That’s when she gained both the love and the political and military support of first Julius Caesar and then Mark Antony. Because she was a Ptolemy, Cleopatra had a negative effect on Egypt as seen in her relationship with Julius Ceasar and Mark Antony.

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