Same Sex Marriages

What is marriage? This word has different meanings for different people. To some marriage means a commitment between two people in holy matrimony, or religious marriage. To others it is just a legal contract between two people, or civil marriage. In actuality there is only one definition for a marriage. According to Websters Dictionary, a … Read more

Gay’s Adoption

“When a gay couple sought to adopt a boy- who had leukemia, had been neglected by his biological parents, had lived in five foster homes, and whose adoption was favored by his legal representative- the judge deemed it not in the interest of a seven-year-old male child to be placed for adoption into the home … Read more

Roy Moores Ethics

A few thousand years ago on Mount Sinai, Moses was given the Ten Commandments, carved in stone, and proclaimed them as laws of God which were to rule supreme over the Israelites. In August of 2001, a monument of the Ten Commandments, also carved in stone, was mounted in the rotunda of the State Judicial … Read more