Bill’s Football: A Short Story

Bill is a stunning multi sport athlete who has a devotion to baseball. He loves being outside and doing anything as long as he’s active. When he is on the baseball field he can play almost any position that he wants, unless the older boys had their spots locked for the game. Other than that … Read more

Young Marine Corps

We are a family of seven. I am the oldest of five children; I have one sister and three brothers. We are members of New City Fellowship of Fredericksburg, Virginia. We are involved with Classical Conversations and Young Marines. Classical Conversations is a very important part of our life. Another organization we are involved with … Read more

Gallardo Case Study

Yovani Gallardo is not having a particular successful season as an Oriole with his 5. 18 ERA and 5. 14 FIP. However, it seemed to me that lately he had been somewhat more successful than he was earlier in this season. This seems to be the case, in August he has had a 3. 18 … Read more

Essay about Diversity In Baseball

Baseball was one of the first institutions in the American history to be desegregated. Shortly after the end of the civil war, there was the first public baseball game held between all-blacks teams. Philadelphia Excelsiors and Brooklyn Uniques played. Twenty years later, there were over 200 black teams in the US that had been formed. … Read more

Essay On Sports In The 1920s

When individuals across the United states think about the most extravagant, famous, and finest sport in today’s society what sport makes the cut and comes to mind? In today’s America, the most beloved sport is American football. Across the United States, football is known through live broadcasting, news, well known medias, the renowned super bowl, … Read more

Jackie Robinsons Influence On Organized Baseball Essay

Jackie Robinson undoubtedly changed organized baseball forever, but he could not have done it without the help and guidance of Branch Rickey. Rickey’s exploration of the limits of baseball’s color line led to a widespread exchange of ideas, largely contributing to more tolerant attitudes in both baseball and throughout the United States. By the mid-19th … Read more

Essay about Cinematography Techniques In Shoeless Joe

In the three times Academy Award nominated film Field of Dreams, The director, Phil Alden Robinson, builds the film with his artistic, cinematic language featuring unique mise-en-scene, as well as depicting characters who hear voices in diegetic sound, and includes an imaginative cinematic vision in film cinematography techniques. The director regulates the dramatic and artistic … Read more

1994 Baseball Strike

On August 12, 1994 professional baseball players went on strike for the eighth time in the sports history. Since 1972, negotiations between the union and owners over contract terms has led to major economic problems and the absence of a World Series in 1994. All issues were open for debate due to the expiration of … Read more

The game of baseball

From the sandlot to stadiums seating over fifty thousand people, the game of baseball has provided people of all ages with a common foundation; a sport we can all call our national pastime. Though its concept sounds simple, a game using a ball and a bat, millions of people all over the world have sought … Read more

Knickerbockers BaseBall Club

Baseball seems always to have lived more in myth that in history. Children in England and the United States had been playing variants of the game for years such as rounders, one o’ cat, and base. In 1845, some young men in Manhattan organized themselves into the Knickerbockers BaseBall Club and wrote down the rules … Read more

The Old Ball Game

An American dream can be defined through an examination of the American lifestyle, and by picking out the most common themes. The most common themes Americans associate with are the basics: graduating at the top of the class, finding a high-paying job, settling down with the perfect spouse, a house in the suburbs with a … Read more