Physiognomy In Roderick Usher Research Paper

The first references to physiognomy occur in the narrator’s initial description of Roderick Usher. The narrator discusses almost every distinct area of physiognomy, stating, “an eye large, liquid, and luminous beyond comparison; lips somewhat thin and very pallid but of a surpassingly beautiful curve; a nose of a delicate Hebrew model, but with a breadth … Read more

“the Fall of the House of Usher” by Edgar Allan Poe as the Mock of Transcendentalism.

“The Fall of the House of Usher” by Edgar Allan Poe as the mock of Transcendentalism. The 19th century was a significant time for the American literature. At that time two completely different genres had been founded – Transcendentalism and Dark Romanticism. While transcendentalism was based on human’s consciousness and logical thinking, Dark Romanticism was … Read more