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Theme Of Manhood In Macbeth Essay

In Shakespeares Macbeth the view of manhood is an ongoing controversy between characters.  Macbeth believes more in the morality and courage of a man while his wife, Lady Macbeth believes that a man should be independent, ruthless, and willing to do anything to rise above others for true power. Though both have views that intertwine, Lady Macbeths views always come to a point that surrounds around dominance and power, which completely opposes the ideal Elizabethan women should have.
Lady Macbeth transforms the ideals of manhood throughout Shakespeares Macbeth, as she expects all men to be alike, in a way that most people would view as acceptable. She believes that all men are to be outgoing in the most dangerous ways, greedy for collecting power and lastly to be…

It comes to a point where Lady Macbeth makes it appear as she wishes to be the man in this relationship, as she is courageous, outgoing and willing to do anything to rise above power. While Macbeth is more mellow and reasonable as he has a better understanding on how things can happen, especially when relating to power. Since Shakespeare’s Macbeth has two different views on manhood and really goes in depth of what is right and wrong, it connects to the outlook on manhood today. The outlook on manhood today is significantly different from Macbeths view of manhood, at least in my own personal opinion. Today in modern society to be a powerful man you have to be well respected as well as have self-respect for yourself but everyone has different perspectives on manhood. Overall Shakespeare’s and modern day society’s views on manhood seem to intertwine in the slightest way, but as time progresses views drastically change. People become more educated as well as more rounded civilians, with views that correspond with their daily…

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