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How Does Lady Macbeth Change Throughout The Play

As the play Macbeth progresses, we see Lady Macbeth change from a strong and ambitious woman to a broken and fragile one. This is due to the pressure that she feels from her husband to help him kill Duncan and become king. The guilt from her actions also takes a toll on Lady Macbeth and she eventually goes mad. Let’s take a closer look at how Lady Macbeth changes throughout the play.

When we first meet Lady Macbeth, she is eager for her husband to kill Duncan so that he can become king. She is even willing to kill Duncan herself if necessary. She is very ambitious and will do whatever it takes to help her husband achieve his goals.

However, after Duncan is killed and Lady Macbeth becomes queen, she starts to feel the pressure of being in power. The guilt from her actions also starts to take a toll on her. She has nightmares and sleepwalks, which shows that she is struggling to cope with what she has done. Lady Macbeth eventually goes mad and kills herself.

In Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Lady Macbeth plays an important part. We come across a frightening and powerful female character in the play. She is the wife of Macbeth and later becomes queen. She has a manipulative and ruthless personality in the play. At the start, she is ambitious and wants to murder King Duncan and succeed him as queen with her husband as king.

Lady Macbeth is very brave and has no conscience as she will do anything to get what she wants. Lady Macbeth changes a lot throughout the play, her character develops and we see a more emotional side to her.

Lady Macbeth is an extremely ambitious woman who will do whatever it takes to be queen. In the beginning of the play, Lady Macbeth manipulates her husband into killing Duncan so that she can become queen. She does this by preying on his insecurities and telling him that he is not man enough to do it himself. Lady Macbeth is also very brave as she has no problem with killing Duncan herself, even though she knows it is wrong.

However, as the play goes on, Lady Macbeth changes. She becomes more emotional and we see a different side to her. Lady Macbeth starts to have nightmares and she is not able to sleep. This is because of the guilt she feels for all the killings she has helped her husband with. Lady Macbeth also starts to wash her hands a lot, which shows her feelings of guilt. In the end, Lady Macbeth goes crazy and kills herself.

Shakespeare’s play Macbeth shows us that even the strongest people can change. Lady Macbeth was a very ambitious and ruthless woman, but in the end she was consumed by guilt and went crazy. The play teaches us that power can corrupt people and that we should be careful with the choices we make in life. Lady Macbeth is a perfect example of this.

We can see her desire for power, as well as how she has a more domineering personality than her husband Macbeth at the start. She appears to be quite enthusiastic about murdering the king. She really wants Macbeth to murder the king so that she may carry out her ideas as queen. Right away, she understands that her spouse Macbeth is not as ambitious and determined as she is.

Lady Macbeth starts to change once the murders have been committed. The death of Lady Macduff’s family haunts her and she can no longer sleep. Lady Macbeth is also starting to feel guilty about all the blood that has been shed. These events lead Lady Macbeth to eventually commit suicide. Lady Macbeth’s personality goes from being ruthless, power-hungry and cold-blooded to being guilt-ridden, paranoid and mentally unstable.

She uses this method to get Macbeth to go through with the assassination of King Duncan. When Macbeth is hesitant to murder the king, she utilizes her emasculating approaches to persuade him that he must finish the deed in order to feel more masculine and demonstrate his manhood.

Lady Macbeth continues to use her power over Macbeth’s emotions throughout the play in order to manipulate him into doing things that she wants.

For example, after Lady Macbeth learns that Macbeth has killed Duncan, she faints from the shock and fear of being caught. When Macbeth tries to revive her, she tells him to leave her alone and go back to the scene of the crime to make sure that everything is in order. Lady Macbeth knows that if she can keep Macbeth occupied, he will not have time to think about what he has done and he will be less likely to get caught.

As the play progresses, Lady Macbeth becomes more and more paranoid and agitated. She is constantly worried about being caught and she starts to feel guilty about all the crimes that she and Macbeth have committed. Lady Macbeth also starts to see bloodstains on her hands that only she can see.

This could be a symbol of her conscience finally catching up with her. Lady Macbeth’s mental state deteriorates to the point where she sleepwalks and tries to wash the imaginary bloodstains off her hands.

In the end, Lady Macbeth’s guilt consumes her and she commits suicide. This is a dramatic change from the power-hungry woman who was willing to do anything to get ahead in the beginning of the play.

This technique is one of several ways she employed it in the play. She provokes her husband into murdering King Duncan by calling him a “pussy.” This method works, and she uses it to cause her spouse to kill King Duncan. When she says that she wishes she were a guy so that she could do it herself, for example, in the play, this is an example of when she employs this approach.

Lady Macbeth also changes in the play because of all the blood that is on her hands. The murders take a toll on her and she goes insane. Lady Macbeth’s sleepwalking scene is one of the most famous scenes in all of Shakespeare’s plays. It shows just how disturbed she has become. Lady Macbeth also becomes more religious as the play goes on.

At the beginning, she was willing to do anything for power, even if it meant going against God. However, by the end, she is seen praying and asking for forgiveness. Lady Macbeth has changed a lot throughout the play Macbeth. She went from being a cold-hearted person to someone who was struggling with her conscience.

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