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Theme Of Friendship In John Steinbeck’s Of Mice And Men Essay

The novella written by John Steinbeck is a story whose themes are about friendship, the American dream and innocence. The novella is about two friends whose names are Lennie and George. They went to a new farm hoping to find work, like every farmer, their dream was to get the big stake and hopefully buy their own farm. In the stories there will be some difficulties that will prevent their dreams from happening. Overall I think Lennie was a great friend to George, that is because he looked out for him,protected him and he was always proudly talking about how hard-working his friend is. Many people argue and think the opposite, that George was a bad friend to Lennie. I don’t see it like that, George was gave Lennie though love.

Usually when someone cares about you they will show you off and say positive things about you. If my friend is smart,pretty etc… I’ll tell others about how pretty or smart they are. Saying good things about your friends and talking about how good they…

In the beginning of the story, George escaped with Lennie from Weed to prevent Lennie from getting lynched. George did absolutely nothing, he had nothing to hide from. Also George warned Lennie about Curley, he told him that he has seen people like that before and demanded Lennie to stay away from Curley (Steinbeck 29). In addition, in order to make sure Lennie got the job, George talked for him (Steinbeck 21). George is like a parent to Lennie, from the beginning we see how he told Lennie that the water he was drinking from didn’t seem potable. He told Lennie to throw the mice away, not to be mean but because it was already dead, it wasn’t fresh. Lennie acted acted like a child and George acted like a parent, he said and did stuff similar to what a parent would. He did all that because he cared for…

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