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The Four Noble Truths Research Paper

To achieve the goal of absolute thinking, one must follow Buddha’s teachings. The first teaching is the Four Noble Truths. The Four Noble Truths is a Buddhist teaching that teaches the individual on how to see one’s own suffering, as the authors state, “The Four Noble Truths empower all individuals to analyze the root cause of suffering and to provide their own cure. ” The Four Noble Truths enable one to be self-sufficient in changing one’s life.

The Four Noble Truths are that one is to experience suffering during one’s life, the cause of suffering is desire, to end suffering means to end desire, and following the Eightfold Path llows for the ceased desire (Brodd). Thus, it seems that the Four Noble Truths allow the individual to seek guidance from the self and not of a drug or another material to commit suicide. The Next teaching is the Noble Eightfold Path. The Noble Eightfold Path allows the individual to self-sufficient in times of extreme stress and anxiety.

The eight components of the Eightfold path are, right view, right resolve, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration (Brodd). By examining these eight different components, the individual is able to take small steps to the end oal of Nirvana. It is often said that when an individual relies on the Noble Eightfold Path for guidance that individual is able to find the Middle Way, or the right course to achieving full enlightenment with Buddha (Brodd).

Thus, it seems clear, by examining one’s own suffering and taking action to create a better life of less stress and anxiety one is able to get rid of all the root cause of evil and suffering. The third religion that must be examined is Judaism. Judaism has had a long history of conquest and being conquered. Over the past several thousand years, the Jewish community has withstood some of the world’s ost powerful armies and acts of suicide. In the Jewish faith there are several different documents that are considered holy. The first document is the Torah.

The Torah is a collection of the first five books of the Bible. The Torah represents the word of God, and His teachings. The second document that is referred to as sacred is the Talmud. The Talmud is a work that is made up of laws and God’s teachings. The Talmud while used often, is used secondarily to the Torah. Furthermore, the Torah does not explicitly state anything about the act of committing suicide. In fact, the only mention of a word related to suicide to the word urder. The Torah explicitly states that one should not murder another.

The Talmud on the other hand goes into much greater detail about the act of committing suicide. The act of committing suicide is stated in Genesis 9:5. This verse states, “Quote. ” Thus, it then seems apparent that in comparison with murder, the act of suicide is still a very immoral act against God. Although suicide can and does mimic murder, the Jewish faith tends to differentiate the two concepts. Murder, the offense between man and man, as well as man and God. Suicide on the other hand, is an offense in regards to man and God. Suicide then is just as bad as if one would commit murder.

In examining the issue of suicide, several concepts must be discussed. The first concept is the view of the God and His teachings. God is has qualities such as being omniscience and omnipotence. God is also able to make goodness and take goodness away. Thus, God created humans and it is His discretion to take life away. Life then, is considered to be sacred and a gift from God. Other Jewish teachings teach that the body that God made is purely rented from Him, and in return, the body is not the human’s property, but is the property of God. Humans then are not able to kill other humans.

It can also be stated that humans are prohibited from decreasing one’s life here on earth as well as dictate when one will and should die. The Jewish faith also views others as the protectors of life. In the Jewish faith, the perseveration of life is a cardinal virtue. As defined in the Mitzvot, or commandments, that the human should save others in cases such as personal risk. Thus, the Jewish individual should save other from pain and killing. The second concept is that of the nature of the suicide. The nature of the suicide can be divided into two categories.

The first category is the b’daat, or the act of physical and mental facilities. The second concept is suicide due to annuss, or the quick impulse, strain or stress in one’s life. The first option is looked at more individual does not have any control over their emotions. Others ncerely as the assert this notion as well. When an individual is not in the proper state of mind, that individual is then not responsible for their actions. The later action is frowned upon in any given circumstance, because the person has control over the external environment. The third concept is the issue of suicide via martyrdom.

The Jewish faith sees suicide via martyrdom as an acceptable form of suicide. In the Jewish teachings there has been three historical Biblical figures who have committed suicide via martyrdom. The historical figures are Samson, Achitotel, and King Saul. All three of these historical figures committed suicide under the act of God. In the Jewish faith, all acts of suicide are prohibited. As stated before, the act of suicide goes against God’s teachings in regards to humans and human existence. One should not be able to dictate when a person dies. This duty is for God Himself.

Another reason why all uicides, especially assisted suicides are prohibited is because of the potential for abuse. The Jewish faith sees that there could be a potential for abuse of powers when the physican is given the right to perform suicides. Thus, this action leads to the loss of control in one’s life and gives the physician control of one’s life. It can also be noted that those who assisted with suicide are at fault for committing a sin, due to the nature of allowing one to kill the self, and thus disobeying God’s teachings. The second reason why all acts of suicide are prohibited in the Jewish faith is the issue with atonement.

In essence, when one commits suicide and dies one is not able to atone, or ask for forgiveness, for the act of committing suicide. Additionally, suicides are prohibited on the basis of the disavovment of faith in the afterlife. Essentially, if an individual were to commit suicide, God would question the act of suicide by not acknowledging one’s own faith teachings and practices. Although the act of suicide is prohibited, removing an individual from any life sustaining program, treatment, or machine is permitted. This action is only used if the individual knows with certainity that he or she is oing to die.

Along with this contention, this option is also available for those who will also be faced with pain in the time left in regards to the immanent death. Furthermore, it can be noted that do-not-resuscitate orders can be signed, treatment such as chemotherapy can be discontinued, and living saving measures can be forgone. Any measure to prolong life in the event of pain or an imminent death is prohibited as well. Medications for pain relief are acceptable, but not for a hasten death. In general, if one knows of death, one can accept God into one’s life and begin the natural death process.

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