After reading the book “A Room of Ones Own” by Virginia Woolfe I decided to write this book review on it. I decided to write the review on this book rather than the others because I have mixed feelings on the book. To me the book seemed a bit hard to understand, but it also gave a good view to the reader of the sexual division of males and females. In the book Woolfe talks about her trip to a male dominated school at Oxford and Cambridge. At this point in the book Wollfe gives good vivid pictures of the separation and uses good examples of the way women were treated there.
It was a bit hard to understand, so I had to read it two or three times before I understood it. The main point that Woolfe tries to make is that at these schools the men are treated like kings. Woolfe tells of their meals, and how well prepared they were, and that at the women’s schools they ate a plain simple meal. At this point I began to get more and more involved the book. The reason I say this is because the next story she tells is of her rejection when she approached the library. As Woolfe approached the library to see these ancient manuscripts that she was eager to see, someone approached her.
It was a man turning her back from the library. The way Woolfe describes this man is quite vivid, and the reader can get a sense where Woolfe is coming from. “A Room Of Ones Own” was I tough book to understand, but with a little time, and effort I began to understand what Woolfe is trying to say. I think this book has had an impact on me in the sense that women were so secondary to men. It gave a good view of the segregation in those days, and how the rights for women were so limited. In conclusion I would like to say that this book is a good book to read if you are interested in reading of the struggles that women faced.