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The Apology of Socrates

The Apology of Socrates Dental In Plat’s “Apology of Socrates,” Socrates is defending himself before the Athenian jury. In addition, you can consider the Phaedra (the very end), where you have an account of Socrates’ conduct at the very end of his life, in the moments before his execution. Further, in “The Allegory of the Cave,” in Plat’s The Republic, Socrates describes his views about the nature of Truth and knowledge.

In these texts, Socrates reveals a number of things about himself and his beliefs: how he makes a living; his beliefs; his sense of humor; his view of his duties; the nature of his rage (why a good man need not fear death); his manner of speaking; his relations to other Athenians (good and bad); his beliefs about the soul; how one ought to live one’s life; and his views on Justice; the nature of Truth and knowledge–to give some examples. Write an essay in which you describe the lifestyle, the character and thought (beliefs) of Socrates.

Use “The Apology of Socrates,” as well as the Phaedra and “The Allegory of the Cave” as your primary sources. As always, begin by carefully preparing a thesis. Consider the suggestion below to outline your essay. L. Introduction In your introductory paragraph, present a thesis that responds to the instruction above: Socrates’ character, his manner of life, and thought. Thesis: Background Information: for background information, consider a philosophical, academic or anecdotal?or combinations thereof?approach. II. Body Topic sentences: each one of your topic sentences should “connect” directly with your thesis.

There will be two or three body paragraphs, depending on your thesis. Be sure that your topic sentences contain key words from your thesis to maintain coherence. Try to find at least two examples when developing each body paragraph. Give parenthetical citations (page numbers) whenever you give examples by way of quoting (verbatim), paraphrasing, or summarizing. Topic Sentence: Example #1 Followed by discussion Example #2 Followed by discussion Ill. Conclusion As you did in your introduction, in your conclusion discuss in an interesting and meaningful way, the subject of your paper.

Format: Please set up your essay using the format suggestions below: a)top, left-hand corner, single-spaced, you should have your name; class (English 1301. 095); the instructor’s name; and the due date; b) have title: short (phrase length); related to your thesis; centered; c) your essay must be typed and double-spaced; d) you need a one-inch margin on all four sides; e) indent each paragraph (5 spaces or one tab) at the beginning; don’t skip extra- space between paragraphs; f) your essay should be at least 2. Pages (850 words). The essay is due on Monday, September 9. L. Introductory paragraph a. Thesis: Socrates, considered the greatest philosopher by many, was uninterested in material success, sought the truth by exposing the ignorance of everyone he could talk to in Athens using a question-based mode of conversation, and passionately advocated the importance of self-knowledge and virtue, and that the purpose of life– the way to meaning, happiness and fulfillment–was to care for the soul. . Background discussion II. Socrates was uninterested in material success. B. Ill. Socrates sought the truth by exposing the ignorance of everyone he could talk to in Athens using a question-based mode of conversation. IV. Socrates passionately advocated the importance of self-knowledge and virtue, and that the purpose of life?the way to meaning, happiness and fulfillment?was to care for the soul. V. Conclusion:

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