Wanted to transcend Chinese past and set up Christianity in China. This new Ideology gave them belief in change. Effective army and manipulation cam from Western Fen Chine values. Western monotheism as opposed to Chinese atheism or Eastern pantheism. Sense of nationalism, as opposed to current cultural pushed by foreign Munch rulers. 1st introduction to equality for women. The Hakes embroiled more women than any other rebellion. Women got equal land and could sit for exams. Hung took the Fen Chine title of King , rather than emperor.
But with Junk Hussein history although it was declining, couldn’t integrate Christianity and revival of decentralized Fen Chine. Self Strengthening Move (sass – sass) Used Western methods and tech, but fought their ideals that were surfacing in China. “Enrich the State and strengthen the military” is Fen Chine, but only to solve economic problems and to put down rebels. Still will not and cannot explore Western ‘aloes. This resistance of Fen Chine rejected covet intervention. Their policies and this move therefore failed. (partly) Elite opposition, with last ditch attempt to REVIVE positive Confucianism.
Not seek elsewhere. Adopted Western Science and tech, active covet in economy. Still no transcendent change. Anti military and secular. Still hail to Junk Hussein. Empress Dowager later undid reforms after initial success. Nee Junk Hussein was finally rejected, it was total and extreme denouncement. 1st references to China inserter terms came from rebel leaders who were educated overseas. Education often comes with its influential bias. 1911 Revolution. Sun Hat Seen. Sun educated in Hawaii and later lived in various countries. Radical (maybe too much so) ideas.
Tune Eng Huh Principles were nationalism, mockery and People’s livelihood. Wanted new concept of Republic. Army modeled after Western strength, but under opposition. Not covet. Many more went to study overseas under Chining educational reforms. May 4th Move. 1915- 1924. Chin TU Hiss, Lu Hush and Huh Shih Total denouncement and critique of Chinese culture and history. Both Fen Chine and Chunk Hussein seen as traditional. Intro of Chinese socialism. Start to see China in Western terms. Youth and women who studied abroad came back as leader rebels. Lead to appeal of Marxism, coos of its belief in transcendence and success of
Communism in Europe. Intellectual imperialism from West (? ) lapin: More painless. Adopt what’s fashionable. Met]’ Restoration. 1868- sass. Industrialization. MEG. Social Darwinism ideology. Follow the fittest and strongest society or phase out. Felt Western superiority, unlike China who saw Fen Chine West as barbaric. Borrowing tradition of Japan More stable than China at the time. No struggle of Nationalism. Fen Chine stage, like West. Start to wear Western military garb, suits, umbrellas, watched, eat meat. Refer to beefeater. But still inherently “Japanese. ” Conscious of public behavior.
Interest in literary translations. Imperialism and Fascism. 1910- WWW. Adopt Western science and strong military On its feet but still no respect from West. Needs to assert itself outwardly. Not Just absorb. Follow wave of future according to the West. Liberalism in sass. Then in sass with Great Depression, fascism takes over. Japan follows. Trickles down to now. Japan is metropolitan but distinct Japanese culture. China is Communist, but loosening up around the edges. Reflective of Japan from outside/ somewhat in, and China resistance inside but slowly seeping out.