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Stoics Essay Examples

Stoicism was a group of philosophers in the First Century who made laws that they thought should be followed by the citizens of Rome.  Two of these laws were the concepts of rationality and nature.  Marcus Aurelius was the Emperor of Rome at the time and he also the most known Stoic.  His concepts were vital to the survival of the Stoics.  The concept of rationality is what tells a human being whats right and wrong and what should be done and what is good for the human and the state by thinking.  the reason also, in respect which we are rational beings, is common: if this is so, common also is the reason which commands us what to do, and what not to do; if this is so, there is a common law also; if this is so, we are fellow citizens; if this is so, we are members of some political community; if this is so, the world is in manner of a state.(1)  Marcus Aurelius says here that the citizens who are ration beings as a part of the whole political spectrum, should combine to make he world one state.  He wants the world to join as one state and governed by one, the people are all part of the same political system, so they should join together.

In his Meditations Aurelius talks about every action having a purpose.  Let no act be done without a purpose, nor otherwise than according to the perfect principles of art.(2) He says here that the reason we have is because everything we do has a purpose.  The purposes are there because they are the unwritten rules of art.  These rules are abided because they just happen.  The art sets its own rules through the purposes of the acts that are done.  No act should be done if it does not follow the rules of art.  Yet, the rules of are made by the acts purposes. This meaning everything has a reason why it is done and the purposes are legitimate.
A mans life does not become worse unless he makes it worse.  That which does not make his life worse, nor does it harm him either from without or with in.(3) In this quote, Aurileus tells the Stoics that the things that dont harm him wont make his life worse inside or outside including the soul.  This meaning that a person should do what they feel is right, because it will not hurt them physically or mentally.

Aurileus says that this is good for a person, it builds character and makes them strong physically, mentally, and spiritually.  This rationality influenced the Stoics greatly.  They were people who did what they wanted, when they wanted.  They also did what they believed was moral.  Aurileus works inspired the Stoic community, his meditations is where a lot of the ideas of Stoicism took place.  Stoicism picked up more followers, because the rational and reasonable writings and teachings of people like Aurileus.
Aurileus also comments on the concept of nature.  This (nature) is what a person lives in, his or her surroundings and environment.  It can also be the person himself.  It is how a person lives, how they adapt to society.  Nature is the society; its the world in which the person lives in.   That which rules within, when it is according to nature, is so effected with respect to the events which happen, that is always easily adapts itself to that which is possible and is presented to it.  For it requires no definite material, but it moves towards its purpose, under certain conditions however; and it makes material for itself out of which opposes it, as fire lays hold of what falls into it, by which a small light would have been extinguished: but when the fire is strong, it soon appropriates to itself the mater which is heaped on it, and consumes it, and rises higher by means of this very material.(4) Marcus uses fire as an example of how nature works.  He says that nature adapts itself to what is presented to it, like the fire that adapts to the materials thrown into it.  He talks about nature having no requirements to exist, but exists for a reason and wont stop moving toward the reason it exists.  The fire makes fuel for itself by burning what opposes it.  This is like nature, nature uses what opposes it as a reason to exist and overcome the opposition.  The fire is easily extinguished when it is just a light, but when it is strong it will consume everything in its path.  Nature is the same way; it has to be strong in order to exist.

Aurileus said Men seek retreats for themselves, houses in the country, sea-shores, and mountains; and thou too art wont to desire such things very much.  But this is altogether a mark of the most common sort of men, for it is in thy power whenever thou shalt choose to retire into thyself.(5) In this statement, Aurileus uses nature as a sort of retreat for the man.  He says that man and nature should work together to coexist.  He describes the beautiful nature as mans prime goal to achieve.  This goal is what the man should strive for and this goal is for nature and man to coexist in an environment.  Marcus also tells that it is common for man to want this goal, but it is only the man willing to risk and fight for the goal that will be truly happy with nature.  He says that to truly coexist as one, the person has to put everything on the line and give it his all.

The nature of that which is universally useful has been compelled to do this(6) This statement goes back to what Aurelius said about whatever doesnt harm a man does not make his life worse.  He says that nature makes it hard for a man to live his life easily and that is what is special about it.  Nature is there to present problems in life and that is what is so enjoyable and full filling about it.  The universes purpose is to show a person how they have lived, by how they have overcome the adversity and leaned to become one with nature.  Instead of giving up, the true path to living in the natural society is to search for the truth about coexisting with nature.
Marcus Aurelius, rationally influenced the Stoic society through his meditations and teachings about living as one with nature.  In fact, Aurelius was preaching the lesson of living because neither nature nor the beings truly exist by themselves.

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