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Short Report On John Steinbeck

Well in this short report on John Steinbeck I am about to include all of the work that I have done in this class Including my full report on one of his books, a little background on Mr. Steinbeck and many other things, All out of the mind and the computer of Jeremy Slaven. An American author and winner of the 1962 Nobel Prize for literature, John Ernst Steinbeck, Jr. , b. Salinas, Calif. , Feb. 27, 1902, d. Dec. 20, 1968, based most of his novels on the American experience, often with sympathetic focus on the poor, the eccentric, or the dispossessed.

Steinbeck grew up in Salinas Valley, a rich agricultural area of Monterey County and the setting of many of his works, where he learned firsthand of the difficulties of farm laborers. From 1919 to 1925 he studied intermittently at Stanford University but did not receive a degree. His early novels (Cup of Gold, 1929; The Pastures of Heaven, 1932; and To a God Unknown, 1933) aroused little public interest. The latter novel, however, a mystical story of self-sacrifice, is one of Steinbeck’s strongest statements about the relationship between people and the land. Steinbeck turned to filmmaking after the film success of The Grapes of Wrath.

He wrote impressive screenplays for the Mexican-based The Forgotten Village (1941) and Viva Zapata! (1952), as well as film scripts for his stories The Red Pony (1938) and The Pearl (1947). Another novel and play, The Moon Is Down (1942), about the German invasion of Norway, won critical praise. After World War II, in which he served as a war correspondent, Steinbeck wrote increasingly about social outcasts. Cannery Row (1945) relates the story of a group of vagabonds on the Monterey coast. The Wayward Bus (1947) presents a morality tale about characters who supposedly represent middle-class society.

Burning Bright (1950) preached universal brotherhood but was largely unsuccessful. Steinbeck devoted several years to his most ambitious project, East of Eden (1952; film, 1955), which paralleled the history of his mother’s family and was an allegorical modernization of the biblical story of Adam. Subsequent novels proved anticlimactic–Sweet Thursday (1954), a sentimental sequel to Cannery Row; The Short Reign of Pippin IV (1957), a burlesque; and The Winter of Our Discontent (1961), a moralistic tale about a decaying Long Island seaport.

Steinbeck wrote popular sketches of his travels in Once There Was a War (1958), Travels with Charley (1962), and America and Americans (1966). He spent many of his later years writing a modern version of Thomas Malory’s Morte Darthur, which was published, incomplete and posthumously, as The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights (1976). He has remained popular principally, however, for his compassionate portrayal of America’s forgotten poor. (griolers) The Grapes of Wrath (1939) by U. S. novelist John Steinbeck is one of the most powerful chronicles in American literature of the Depression of the 1930s.

It deals with the Joads, a family that loses its farm through foreclosure and leaves the Oklahoma Dust Bowl for California in the hope of finding work. The eldest generation has the comfort of religion, the next one has a dogged perseverance, but the youngest has little to believe in. Embittered by the brutal exploitation of migrant workers, Tom, who had been jailed for murder and who later kills again, becomes a labor organizer. In this Pulitzer Prize-winning (1940) novel, Steinbeck alternates his narrative with serious discussion of the problems of migrant laborers. (Groliers)

Of Mice and Men (1937; film, 1939), a short novel by John Steinbeck set in Salinas, Calif. , has been called Steinbeck’s most successful work. The novel deals with two migrant workers: Lennie, a physically powerful but mentally retarded giant, and George, his friend and protector. They share the dream of someday buying a farm together. The dream is shattered when Lennie accidentally kills the wife of a rich farmer and is then sought by a lynch mob. He and George tenderly recall their dream just before George shoots Lennie to save him from the crueler death he will inevitably face at the hands of the mob.

The book established Steinbeck as a writer of distinction. It was made into a play shortly after publication. These are just a few of his most well recognized works. (Grolier’s) The book that I have read that has really stayed with me is Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. I really enjoyed reading it, which is unusual, because I usually don’t enjoy reading too much. There was something about George and Lenin’s friendship that really made me think. Seeing how they were and how they shared life was really interesting. George didn’t have to bother with Lenin, he could have Abandoned him and gone on his own way.

But he did not Do that, he stayed with Lennie watching over him almost Like a parent to a child. Even though Lennie always got George in trouble, George never stooped loving him and Always stood by him. The friendship they shared went Beyond what was transparent they each shared a dream and both knew they meant the world to each other. I felt that if these totally different people could get along and Look out for each other, why can’t we get along with People who are different than us. They made me realize that I could learn something from how to treat people who are different than me?

What I also liked about it was the Way they never stopped trying to reach their dream. This Made me think that if they could work hard for there Dream why can’t I. It showed me that it does not matter Were you come from or what you do, it is okay to dream And work as hard as you can to reach it. For all it shows friendship and loyalty it also shows how sometimes you have to do things you never thought you would do? For example in the end when George is forced to shoot Lenin In the head you would never have thought he would do that, but you can see that under the circumstances he had no other choice.

He only had two choices let the other people get to him first and watch them torture Lennie while he died a long horrible death or do it himself and get It over quick was Lennie did not know what hit him. This Is also true in life, many times we are faced with tuff Choices and even though they may be the hardest you will Have to go through, you know that that is the only way. You come to the realization that everything you thought You was about, can all change with a blink of the eye.

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