Preacher’s Daughters is a reality television show aired on Lifetime. The show follows religious families dealing with typical teenage rebellion and extreme parental expectations. All while following their strict spiritual values. With either one or both parents in the ministry, their daughters are pressured to set a good example for the church at all times. Preacher’s Daughters exemplifies patriarchal dominance by the shaming and pressure the fathers put on their daughters.
On Preacher’s Daughter’s, the girls are regularly shamed for acting out. An example of this would be when one father finds out his 17 year old has gone to a hotel party without permission. When he takes her phone away for lying she brings up the fact that she’s almost…
Women are held to an impossible standard of perfection and purity in society. Throughout history women have been told that they must be perfect. They will take care of the house, love their husband (because the ideal woman is straight right?) and always keep calm and poised. Real woman aren’t robots. Humans have a vast range of emotions and inconsistencies that make us beautiful. One example is when the older sister takes her younger sibling to the park to play tennis. The ladies end up meeting their boyfriends instead. After they are caught by the father the mom specifically states, “My older daughter is a bad role model for the other one.”
In conclusion, patriarchal dominance shown by the fathers on preachers daughters goes far beyond the tv screen. The shaming and pressure put on young woman to be virginal and tame spreads out into the world in a very ominous way. By restricting young woman we are not letting them have a voice. If young females are continuously taught to only be responsible for their actions because “god is watching” or “you should act like a lady” they will never really feel the need think for themselves. If a woman is always answering to another for their behavior or choices they can never become fully self…