Look around you, there are about 15 to 20 of us here in this room. One the very same day each of you were born 3,304 others could have been born and given the chance of the gift of life. If it had not been for the legalization of abortion there could’ve been at least 5 more of us in this room. According to sources from the united States Abortion Statistics, every 26 seconds 1 child Is being aborted in the united States alone. II. Today I am going to give Information on abortions mainly conducted in the united States.
There are three points I am going to be covering today. The statistics, why Americans think it is wrong, and lastly, the alternatives for abortions. Ill. Thesis: Using these three points above, I am going make an attempt to explain why abortion is wrong in certain cases. Body. L. First point: The Statistics of Abortions In the united States. A. Having an abortion became legal In united States In 1973. 41% of women who have abortions are White. 32% are Black and 20% are Hispanic. B. According to the Allan Stomacher Institute, 98% of Americans make the personal choice of having an abortion. . 7% of Americans are concerned about the health of the women (themselves) or the child. .3% makes this decision after being a victim of rape or incest meaning sex between close relatives. C. Not only Is abortion not healthy, but It also contributes to many risks such as, Breast cancer, pelvic Inflammatory disease, difficulty In future pregnancies and many more. II. Second point: Why Americans are opposed to it. A. According to the Allan Stomacher Institute, “79% do not support the current abortion on demand policy, saying abortion should be legal only in some resistances. B. According to r. s. Revision pro-life arguments, they state “If you do not want the child there are plenty of other couples who would be glad to adopt them. ” C. Other Americas from local blobs state that they just could not grasp nor understand the idea of a taking an innocent child’s life that did not ask to be in world. Ill. Third Point: Alternatives for abortions. A. One alternative could be adoption. There are a large quantity of stable couples who are willing to adopt, whether It Involving an open or closed adoption.
Closed adoptions or “confidential” adoptions means when the child who is now adopted is not allowed to know of the biological parents, in other words it is kept a secret. Open adoption means the women considering this, has the opportunity to get to know the parents. B. According to Raman international, they state that “If you are considering abortion because of your circumstances, know that you can out why you have these feelings. Pregnancy care centers are here to help you in any situation regardless of your decision. ” C.
Or perhaps in a situation that involves rape and/or incest; proper medical care can ensure that a woman will not get pregnant. Conclusion. L. Concluding Statement. A. In Review, we have covered everything from the statistics to the alternatives for abortions. B. With all this information be covered here today, I hope the word spreads, and people who face this situation take more wise precautions, and get help from people who are more advisable then themselves.