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Hera Persuasive Speech Essay

Throughout many decades Zeus has been the ruler of Mt. Olympus, he is now ready to leave the throne. The best candidate for the position to become the next ruler of Mt. Olympus is his wife, Hera is the Greek goddess of marriage and childbirth. Hera is a very compassionate, caring, and smart goddess. Hera already has experience ruling over Mt. Olympus ever since she is Zeus wife and his right hand goddess. Hera is a devoted god and gets whatever she wants. Hera is good for the position to become future ruler of Mt. Olympus since she is a very powerful god. Zeus is the ruler of Mt. Olympus and is not scared of anything except for Hera. Hera would be the best candidate for the position since she is a strong and powerful goddess.

Hera is the Greek goddess of marriage and childbirth, the daughter of Cronus and Rhea. For many years Hera has been living inside of Cronus ever since he was scared that his kids would defeat him and stop him from taking over the word. Hera is Zeus wife, sister, and right hand goddess. She is a very jealous and vengeful god toward Zeus lovers and the kids that he had in his other relationships. The goddess of childbirth and marriage is also known to be the protector of women. Zeus was not afraid of most things, but he was afraid of his wife Hera. Hera has been through many bad things while she was married to Zeus. Before Hera married Zeus, he “changed himself into a little cuckoo, and, pretended to be in distress, he flew into Hera’s arms for protection. She pitied the wet little bird and hugged it close to keep it warm, but all of a sudden she found herself holding mighty Zeus in her arms” and raped Hera. Hera has been through many things while married to Zeus both good and bad.

Hera is a compassionate, caring, and smart goddess. According to Hera page 5 it states “Slyly Zeus created himself into a little cuckoo, and pretending to be in distress, he flew into Hera’s arm for protection.” This quote shows that Hera is very compassionate because Hera took care of the cuckoo bird even though the bird was only small and Hera protected the bird. Hera is a very smart person ever since she always knew Zeus was tricky. According to Hera, it states “She knew how tricky Zeus could be and kept very close watch over him.” Hera is a very compassionate person and took care of the cuckoo even though it was little and one of a million birds. Hera is smart ever since she always knew what to do to Zeus wives.

Hera is a devoted and dedicated goddess. Hera is devoted ever since she takes her time punishing Zeus wives or kids. According to Hera, it states “She devoted most of her time punishing and prosecuting her husbands lovers” This quote shows that Hera spent most of her time punishing Zeus lovers since she believed that a husband or wife should be loyal to their spouse. Hera is a devoted goddess even since she is the god of marriage. Hera is devoted ever since she is the god of marriage and she works to maintain her marriage with Zeus even if he cheats on Hera. Hera is a very devoted and dedicated god to what she does as the goddess of marriage.

Hera has already had experience of ruling and having power. Hera has power ruling over Mt. Olympus ever since she is Zeus right hand god. “On his right sat his youngest sister, Hera, whom he had chosen from all his wives as queen.” This quote shows that Hera is Zeus right hand god and he married Hera from all his wives. According to Hera, it states “Even Zeus who was afraid of nothing, feared her fits of temper.” This quote shows that Hera was a strong leader, even though Hera was strong enough that she was also one of the many things he feared. “Hera now permitted Zeus to change her back to her human shape” This quote shows that Hera is very powerful.

Hera has done many bad things as she became right hand god of Zeus. Hera is a very evil person due to the fact that she punishes Zeus wives and kids. According to 11 Crazy Punishments from Queen of the Gods Hera it states “When Hera found out about the two of them, she came down to catch them, but Zeus turned Io into a white cow to protect her.” This quote shows that Hera punishes Zeus wives and kids ever since she believes husband or wives should be faithful. Another example of how Hera does bad things is that Hera threw Hephaestus off of a cliff. Although this shows how Hera is a bad goddess but it shows how she would sacrifice her own kids to show she would do anything to show she will do anything for her people.

To conclude Hera is a good candidate to become the next ruler of Mount Olympus since she is a strong leader, has experience ruling with Zeus. Hera takes care of her people ever since she is known to protect women and kids. Hera is a very responsible god and gives the Zeus wives reasonable punishment. Ever since Hera is a strong leader and is responsible and is good enough to become the next ruler of Mt. Olympus

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