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Flowers For Algernon Literary Analysis Essay

Tampering with Human Nature
“Nature is like art; there are always those elements you want to change.” In the science fiction story, Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes, Charlie had always wanted to be intelligent, and he did with a special operation. People today are trying to figure out how this story could become a reality. Genetic engineering is the modification of characteristics of a plant by changing its genes. Humans may give people confidence, cure them from diseases, and help people live longer.
People have always wanted confidence and to fit in with the crowd. In the scientific fiction story, Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes, Charlie is a mentally disabled man who gets confused about a lot of objects and in the world. Therefore after he gets the surgery he head more confidence to stand up to his co-workers who bullied him. Charlie tells them that he never bullied them so why are they doing this. Another example from the science fiction story, Flowers for…

This however is not true, because scientists say that they are closer than ever with their new technology. There are many more positives than negatives in genetically engineering. Another benefit is that people’s lifespans could increase by about 30 years. For example in the article, Designer Babies by Michael Catalano, it promotes that another advantage of genetic engineering is that it can increase the human lifespan by 30 years. This proves that people will live longer and know it. They will get to see way more than we ever will. In Designer Babies it also says, “Humans have the will to live and if gene medicine can improve our lifestyle than we should be accepting of this new technology.” (Catalano) As you can tell this new technology will improve our lifestyle as well as letting us live longer. People will get to enjoy their lives more with this new and improved…

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