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Essay On Tuts Tomb

Tomb Appearance The tomb had 16 steps, 6 doorways, and 4 rooms full of his most valuable treasures. The biggest room… was the Antechamber. The smallest… was the Annex. The ONLY room to be decorated was the… Burial Chamber also where Tut’s tomb was! The most expensive things were in… The Treasury. The Antechamber was the first room to be seen when you go down the corridor. The other rooms can only be accessed through the this chamber.

When Howard Carter infiltrated into the Antechamber he said “At first I could see nothing, the hot air escaping from the chamber causing the candle flames to flicker, but presently, as y eyes grew accustomed to the light, details of the room within emerged slowly from the mist, strange animals, statues and gold – everywhere the glint of gold. ” – Howard Carter Inside The tomb The passageway had 16 steps which were made of limestone that descend deep into The Valley of the Kings. “Once down the pathway a plaster wall is present.

Embedded into the plaster wall is a stamp of a jackal and 9 slaves, this representing Tutankhamun’s royalty. Farther into the tomb a second plaster door is stamped with many priest’s seals and King Tut’s royal seal. On this doorway in the top left hand corner the plaster wall hows signs of being entered. ” The Antechamber contained many items such as couches, chests, baskets, large statues, beds and stools and much more! In all, there was about 700 items in the room alone. The 3 couches that consist of a hippo, lion and a cow’s head was in the Antechamber. The couches were made of wood and gold.

Tut’s throne was also placed in here. His throne was made of wood but, was covered with solid gold! The back of the throne was Tutankhamun seated, with Ankhesenamun, his wife anointing him with perfume, beneath a floral pavilion. The Sun God Re is shining down on them. There are two animal heads in the front. They are lion heads. The bottom of the seat is decorated with bright and colorful stones. To the left of the tomb’s entrance are 3 chariots stacked next to one another. The three chariots were mostly used for showcasing the pharaoh during public events.

A fan found in the tomb indicates that one of Tutankhamun’s past time events was likely hunting for ostriches. ” Says a website about Tut’s tomb. More amazing objects are in here! There is two large life-sized statues of Tutankhamun found guarding the entrance into the Antechamber. The statues are black with golden head caps, kirts, and sandals. These two statues were positioned facing each other, each with their own inscriptions, and each having a different head piece. Many things such as boxes, arrows, vases, linen cloth, jars, shrines, chests, and footstools as well as other priceless treasures were found within The Antechamber.

The Antechamber didn’t have colorful walls filled with hieroglyphics, hymns, prayers, or achievements that showcased Tutankhamun as would have been expected for a pharaoh of Ancient Egypt. Rather, the walls are bare and lacked the typical drawings. The Annex was the smallest of the rooms. The room was given it’s name through Howard Carter. This tiny room was filled with many items such as oils, foods, wines, pottery, dishes, stools, games, and baskets. The room was the last to be documented by Howard Carter as it was considered more difficult to examine due to the room being in disarray.

So why was the annex room left in a disorderly manner? It is believed the tomb had been robbed twice after the young pharaoh was set to rest. One of the theories was based on the robbers messing through all the items within this room looking for smaller gold jewelry and figurines that could be easily pocketed. While looking for items to steal they moved everything in the room. The exploring of the room began in October of 1927 and ending in 1928 during spring time. The room held 280 objects of the total 5,000 documented and recorded within the entire tomb.

The treasury room was stocked with many items such as shrines, chests, boats, and two of King Tut’s believed stillborn daughters. An unbelievable item found in this room was a carved wooden shrine gilded in gold that contained four canopic jars of Tutankhamun. The canopic jars that were placed within the shrine. The canopic jars held his organs. The jars we carved and painted with black markings showcasing the pharaoh’s features in detail. There were a total of 34 statues that were placed in black resin shrines. This room contained 14 boats.

The boats were “woken” by magic for the pharaoh to use in his afterlife and everyday proceedings afterward. Some of the boats were intended to float the pharaoh through the 12 hours of night and darkness before the sun would rise again. All the boats within the tomb point toward the west. The room to only be decorated. The room where the Pharaoh’s coffin lies. The room that was most important. That room was the… Burial Chamber. The burial chamber of the tomb was colored with a vibrant yellow with paintings of Tutankhamun in various representations.

The murals on the wall have been believed for many historians that have come to believe they were purposely made large enough to cover the walls of the tomb quickly. Other tombs in the Valley of the Kings had more detailed paintings on the walls. The burial chamber walls have been divided up into four regions known as the northern wall, eastern wall, southern wall, and western wall. Each one of these walls has different pictures of he pharaoh from his death to his afterlife journey. One of the walls is the northern wall. It is the most famous and has been taken photographs of and has been in books of Tutankhamun.

The mural shows three scenes of Tutankhamun. In one scene he is in the form of Osiris having the opening of the mouth ceremony performed on him by Aye who was his official, dressed as a high ranking priest. This ceremony was done to Ancient Egyptian mummies and statues as this ritual brought life into them. In the next scene and in the middle of the mural, Tutankhamun is seen as a young boy being greeted by the Goddess Nut. In her hands she is holding symbols that resemble the surface of water. These symbols represent the Goddess welcoming Tutankhamun in his journey into the afterlife.

To the left side of the mural is Tutankhamun embracing Osiris. This scene shows the pharaoh perhaps being accepted into the afterlife. Behind him stands his Ka embracing Tutankhamun. The boy king’s coffin and mummy made the Burial Chamber the most important room in the tomb. The coffin had 3 mummy- shaped coffin. Two gilded and one of solid gold-all inside a red sarcophagus. At the center rested Tut himself, with a stunning ask of gold covering his head and shoulders. King Tut’s coffin was made of 22 carat gold and weighed 296 pounds. It’s estimated worth is 1. 5 million dollars.

The death mask is made of solid gold and it weighs around 24 pounds. Materials The things put in the Antechamber were put in there mainly for hunting, entertainment, daily life, and funerary purposes. The 3 couches. Scientists weren’t exactly sure what the couches were used for but they thought they were used for Egyptian Rituals and the mummification process. Because the couches were large they were used as shelves to store and organize the Funerary equipment of Tutankhamun. The throwing sticks found in Tut’s tomb would have been used for hunting birds in the afterlife.

Tutankhamun had painted chests which held treasures that belonged to him. Small figures were suppose to help Tut in afterlife and when he got there, they would make him worthy to become a god, or worthy of being an important person in the underworld. These figures were supposed to take the place of the king in performing the daily tasks that came up in the afterlife. A total of 413 of these figures, known as ushabtis, were found in Tutankhamun’s tomb. King Tut had many model boats o show his journey to the afterlife. He had 7 different types of boats.

He had a transport type of boat, a solar type of boat, a pilgrimage type of boat, 2 lunar type of boats, and a papyrus his tomb. They were symbolic canoe. Conclusion Inside the tomb had the most important and glorious treasures ever found within Egypt, Tutankhamun’s mummy, his solid gold coffin, and his death mask. The tomb was so unique to the other tombs in the Valley of the Kings that made it important and the best. The tomb revealed an amazing look back then about the young pharaoh, and how he and other people from Ancient Egypt lived.

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