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Essay About Changes In My Life

Every person’s life has its ups and downs. These major changes may either be beneficial or detrimental to people’s lives. When I began working, the biggest transformation in my life was when I realized that there was a mountain I could move. but not having a chance to act on it makes you feel terrible.

So, starting to work was a life-changing experience for me. It’s been two years since that big day. I remember it like it was yesterday. I woke up earlier than usual because I wanted to look my best on the first day of work. I put on my favorite dress and did my hair carefully. Then, I took a bus to the city center where the office was located. When I arrived, I felt so nervous that my heart was about to jump out of my chest. Fortunately, everything went well and I enjoyed working with my colleagues from the very beginning.

Looking back, I realize that starting to work was not just a turning-point in my life but also a learning experience. It taught me the importance of responsibility, punctuality, and discipline. It also helped me gain confidence and become more independent. I am very grateful for this life-changing experience and would not change it for anything.

So, with a little delay and the assistance of my spouse, I accepted the invitation of my friends, which I didn’t want to lose. Now that I look back and consider everything from my social life, computer abilities, and self-confidence standpoint, I’m certain that beginning to work was the correct choice. First off, my social life has improved dramatically. Before I began working full-time, I unquestionably had a good social life.

I had my friends, we met regularly and often went out together. But now my social life is way more active. I’ve met a lot of new people at work and became good friends with some of them. We often go out together after work or meet on weekends.

My husband also got to know some of them, so we sometimes do things together as well. Secondly, my ability to use the computer has improved a lot since I started working. At my job I have to use different programs that I didn’t even know existed before and thanks to that my level of computer literacy increased significantly.

Additionally, I learned how to type much faster, which is very useful not only at work but also in everyday life. And last but not least, working has helped me to gain more self-confidence. Before I started my job I was quite a shy person and it was really hard for me to talk to strangers. Nowadays, I can easily start a conversation with anyone and I’m not afraid to speak in public anymore. All in all, starting to work was definitely the right decision for me and it changed my life for the better in many ways.

I was not a person who sat around doing nothing, but with my buddies who lived in the neighborhood, and my social life restricted, I became inactive. Because I was afraid of being left out, I chose to live the same as everyone else did, even if it wasn’t the way I wanted to live. I wanted to be more active; however , when I began working, life got in the way. I was exhausted from working long hours and taking care of my family, and I didn’t have time or energy for anything else.

One day, my wife and I were talking about our life and how we wanted to be more active. We decided that we would start going on walks together. That was the beginning of the change in my life. Taking those first few steps outside changed everything. It wasn’t easy at first, but bit by bit, we started to see results. We felt better physically and mentally, and we had more energy. As we continued to walk, we met new people and made new friends. Our social life improved, and we began to feel like a part of something again.

The change of my life happened when I had to leave my job and go back to my hometown, because of a family issue. It was then that I realised how much my life has changed and how much I have grown as a person. I was no longer the same girl who was afraid of being sidelined. I was now a woman who could stand up for herself and fight for what she wanted.

When I look back at the change of my life, I am grateful for it. It has made me into a stronger and more independent person. And even though life is not always easy, I know that I can handle whatever comes my way.

I was able to use and improve my English since I loved foreign languages. I was initially frightened to talk English because I hadn’t spoken it in years, but just assisted with my children’s English lessons. But after a while, I grew comfortable with it, and the next year, I was permitted to participate in conference calls for the first time.

I was so grateful for the life-changing opportunity. I’d been an introvert my whole life, and this experience really boosted my confidence. After that, there were many other changes in my life.I started to feel more comfortable talking to people, both in English and in my native language. I also became more interested in learning new things and exploring different cultures.And although it’s been a few years since that life-changing experience, I’m still reaping the benefits today. I’m now more confident, outgoing, and curious than ever before – all thanks to that one decision to take an English class.

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