Introduction Hello, and thank you for having me back to your facility to look more specifically at your short and long term planning in achieving your goals. As you know, we at KU consulting are here to assist you in every step of the process of modernizing your facility and optimize your ability to surpass your competition within your market. In my capacity as a consultant I have prepared this report to look specifically at three long term and three short term goals that will commence the process of becoming the leading supplier of bell and snag hook anchors.
I look forward to seeing these goals initiated, and seeing you at the top of your market. Question 1 Carefully review the assignment scenario/case study. From the limited information in the scenario/case study, identify at least three direct and specific long-term and three direct and specific short term operations changes that Albatross Anchor must make to gain a clear and sustainable competitive advantage (provide detailed information to validate and support each recommended change).
Long-Term Operational Changes (01) Increasing capacity is an important factor in making Albatross anchor competitive within the market. Increasing capacity can be done without expanding the facility through expansion of the current schedule, improving the equipment that is already owned by the company, the purchase of new equipment or a combination of those factors. (Vorne, n. d. ) The simplest solution is to improve the capacity of the equipment the company already owns and add shifts to reduce the amount of time the equipment is not producing product.
Updating the equipment is a larger project, and has a larger up front cost, but has the added benefits of being more efficient as well as having the same capability to further increase their production capacity by utilizing the same scheduling increases on the more efficient equipment. (Russell & Taylor III) As noted in the initial report a second line would greatly increase the abilities of the production facility, with that in mind, the company should have the goal of obtaining two production lines and dedicating each line to a specific product.
The lines should be separate, and fully manned during all operating shifts with the exception of scheduled downtime for maintenance of the equipment. This one change will more than double the manufacturing capabilities of the company as it also eliminates set up time for each product line. (02) Cross training is an important and cost saving initiative, and is a long term goal because it is a recurring goal. Line operators should be cross trained in preventative maintenance of the equipment they work with, as well as trained on each production line.
If there are differences in the techniques or equipment used to produce each type of anchor every operator should become familiar with those operations. This ensures that should an employee miss work there are other employees that will be able to perform the absent employees function. Cross training also promotes teamwork and communication between departments, and with preventative maintenance being performed by an operator the mechanic is available to focus on quarterly and annual maintenance and repairs when needed. (Maturi, 2013) Cross training should also occur in the office as much as possible, and in ways that make sense.
For example the accounts receivables department should cross train with the accounts payable department. Not only will the company benefit from the added knowledge of the staff, but the staff both in production and the office will work harder because they will feel that their employer is concerned with their professional development. (Maturi, 2013) (03) Installation of a warehouse management system (WMS) to track inventory, this will automate most of the processes in inventory control by directing items through the warehouse and factory from raw materials to the shipping label for the finished product.
An individual unit can be literally tracked through each step of the production floor with the use of a bar code or RF scanner. Short-Term Operational Changes (01) Immediately address any safety issues that have an effect on the ability to operate. Bring all equipment and facilities to current safety code. This will improve work place safety, and reduce the chance of an accident where negligence may be a factor on the part of the company. (02) Improve operational inefficiencies by examining your process and creating standard operating procedures for each process in your manufacturing area.
Even in simple tasks it is potentially detrimental to allow tribal knowledge to prevail over a written procedure. (03) Improve the cleanliness of the plant and the offices, this will greatly improve the morale of employees, and will present a more professional appearance to current and prospective clients. Question 2 From the list of 10 operational issues in this assignment instructions select four operational issues. For each of the four operational issues explain in