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Abortion should be illegal

Abortion is not an illegal process in the United States as of today, but abortion is murder and murder is illegal, therefore; abortion should be illegal. The definition for abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. I find this definition very simple for such a complex Issue, such as, life and death. This definition fails to mention the millions of lives that have been lost In utter due to this procedure.

Some consider abortion to e murder since the being inside the mother is living. The definition of something living includes the ability to grow, which is exactly what is going on inside a woman who is pregnant. An abortion ceases the growing process, therefore ending the future life of a human being. Abortion should be illegal because the very act of abortion was prohibited via the Hippocratic Oath until pro coolers became inclined to have the Oath our forefathers took before they could tend to patients decades ago, changed to remove the paragraph prohibiting abortion.

People that oppose abortion eel abortion should be an illegal procedure except in risk of extreme harm or death to the mother. Doctors should not be allowed to perform a procedure that was once prohibited via the classic version of the Hippocratic Oath every doctor takes upon becoming a doctor. It seems even decades ago abortion was saw to be a heinous act against human kind. The classic version of the Hippocratic Oath actually has the phrase, “l will not give to a woman an abortive remedy,” and the original Hippocratic Oath states, “l will not give a woman a Pesaro to cause an abortion. Any mention of to performing an abortion has been taken out of the Hippocratic Oath, but not from the minds of people who expect doctors to save lives. (“Evolution of Medical Ethics”) Abortion should be illegal because 30 of the 50 states in the US had laws making abortion Illegal, until the decision of Roe v. Wade nullified these restrictions. After 1973, abortions were made legal all through the US, yet many would be more than happy to see them made Illegal once more. (” Abortion Is every woman’s right. “) Pregnancies unwanted, or wanted can be overwhelming for the mother, father and al others involved.

Controversy has surrounded the issue of whether a mother has the right to terminate her own pregnancy since abortion came about, but according to the equal rights that women have fought so hard for, it is said they have control over what happens to their bodies. Socialist worker, says women have the right to control their own body and reproductive lives (Accelerometers. Org). Therefore, no one, not even the courts, have the right to tell a female what she can or cannot do with her body. This view is shared by the united States Supreme Court who ruled in the 973 case “Roe Vs..

Wade” that women have the right to do what they will their own bodies, they are in full control. Since 1973 the Supreme Court has never over ruled this decision. Abortion Is every woman’s right. “) It is believed by pro-life affiliates of about their own bodies, abortion is still considered predominantly wrong except in very few cases, such as; in the case of conception surrounding the pregnancy being of a violent nature, such as rape, although adoption would be an alternative to abortion in this case, and if the pregnancy negatively effects the mother’s or baby’s lath.

Pro-choice affiliates feel it is reasonable that a woman have an abortion in the case that the mother is too young and unable to take care for her baby. They argue pregnancy can be very stressful for the most experienced of mothers, so it can be very overwhelming for a woman whom is still a child herself. Therefore, if they think they cannot give their babies a good life then pro choicer believe it may be right for them to have abortions, although; the argument that adoption is the best choice in this case has been brought up time and again.

For example, one of my friends was regnant when she was 14. She and her baby’s father were barely in high school by that time. Neither had a Job or were even old enough to have gainful employment, they knew that they could not afford to buy food and provide medical care for their baby and did not want to live on the welfare system. My friend got an abortion, it was the hardest decision of her life and she still wanders if it was the right thing to do. She felt that it would be better, however, for her own life, because she could not properly take care of the baby.

The emotional toll an abortion would take on a Oman of this age would be so negative that the risks of mental harm would far outweigh the stress of labor and delivery and the child could be put up for adoption at birth, making the outcome much more positive for mother and baby. With adoption the decision of life or death is eliminated and the mother does not have to with stand the guilt or thoughts of murdering her baby once she is older and realizes the complexity of her decisions and how they affected another human life.

Stopping a fetus life is wrong, in an almost all cases, except in extreme circumstances such as chance of extreme risk or death to the mother. Others say if the baby’s health is questionable during the pregnancy a woman should have the right to choose for herself. Continuing a dangerous pregnancy could put a woman in a dangerous situation and could bring the baby into a life of sickness, but what if all the pre-pregnancy tests are wrong, what if the baby is perfectly healthy and its life is ended?

I’m not sure that’s a gamble I could take with a child’s life. It is known that in pre-pregnancy, diabetes raises the risk of birth defects, (Donna 2008) reports that ” Women diagnosed with diabetes before they become pregnant are three to four mimes more likely to give birth to a child with one or even multiple birth defects than a non-diabetic mother, according to a study in the (“Gauge. 1 American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecologist.

If a woman gets pregnant and has a history of heart disease, then continuing a pregnancy could put both her and her baby at risk. A woman with a history of heart disease should avoid pregnancy because of the high risk of death or the chance of giving birth to a baby with birth defects. Therefore, pro- choicer believe it is acceptable if a woman chooses to have an abortion in this case. Death is harmful for the fetus and the fetus has the right to have a life Just like ours, is the opinion of pro lifers. One critic of abortion is Stone.

For Stone, ” Death seriously harms the fetus and the fetus has a right to life, death deprives the fetus of woman’s health is at risk or they will give birth to a child with birth defects it comes down to the mother’s decision if abortion would be better for them and the baby. There is never any guarantee that a baby will or will not be born with birth defects, there are cases that parents expected the worst of birth defects for their baby and he child was born perfectly healthy, and vice versa. Even with all the technology today there is never any guarantee one way or the other.

If a child is expected to have birth defects it may be a time parents look at plausible options such as abortion, but for me all God’s creatures are precious and none deserve to be disposed of no matter what the case, my Uncle had down syndrome and he was absolutely perfect in our eyes, and me and my family feel he was an Angel on Earth, we wouldn’t have changed a thing about him even if it were possible. In conclusion, I believe abortions are morally wrong and should be considered murder. First, women do have the right to control their own bodies, however; murder is illegal which makes abortion actual murder.

Second, abortion may be a plausible choice if the pregnancy seriously affects the mother’s health. Third, women should have the right to have an abortion if they have been raped, although only after counseling and the option of adoption has been ruled out. Pro-lifers believe that abortion is seriously wrong, but in the end in today’s society it is up to the individual women to do what they feel is best for them and their babies, even if this ends in the murder of her child in utter.

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