History Seminar: Beethoven Piano Sonatas

After the completion of the Hammerless, Beethoven’s passion for the piano sonata refused to dissipate. The next three piano sonatas, written over the span of three years, have consecutive opus numbers: Pop. 109 in E major, Pop. 110 in A flat Major, and Pop. 11 In C minor. Beethoven clearly approached his last three Plano … Read more

History Seminar: Beethoven Piano Sonatas

History Seminar: Beethoven Piano Sonatas BY pityingly After the completion of the Hammerless, Beethoven’s passion for the piano sonata refused to dissipate. The next three piano sonatas, written over the span of three years, have consecutive opus numbers: Pop. 109 In E major, Pop. 110 In A flat Major, and Pop. Al in C minor. … Read more