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The Sanctity of Marriage

There is so much controversy concerning homosexuality and marriage. This controversy has recently risen and been debated in court in Massachusetts. Around three percent of our country experiences exclusive homosexuality (Swan n. p. ). Gay marriage must be banned because it has negative consequences for our society, does not follow American Tradition, and most importantly, homosexuality is immoral. Granted homosexuality allows people to express themselves individually, they often become public charges. Homosexuality has many consequences for society.

Besides pushing immorality, the gay lifestyle lso renders many health problems. Such health problems are Human Papillomavirus (HPV), Hepatitis A, B, and C, and AIDS (Sprigg 8). Various research studies have found that homosexuality causes alcohol abuse, drug abuse, nicotine dependence, depression, and suicide (Sprigg 9). Children with gay parents also suffer a higher risk of premarital childbearing, illicit drug use, arrest, behavioral problems, poverty, and school failure (Sprigg 7). Twenty years ago, homosexuality was perceived as wrong and as an embarrassment. Now, it almost seems to be popular.

Homosexuality is roven to be wrong, but society is becoming immune to it. Our nation’s laws should not be based on wrong doing. Society depends on cross gender marriages for survival (Grolier 66). “Marriage is… fundamental to our very existence and survival; the very existence and survival of our society does not depend upon same-sex unions (Grolier 66). ” Supporters argue that gay marriage is a person’s right as an American, but the very traditions of our country have never included homosexuality. Marriage has always been held up in court as a heterosexual union (Grolier 68).

Why should we alter our country’s traditions? In Poe vs. Ullman, Justice Harlin linked sexual activity to marriage to the prohibition of homosexual activity, and concluded that both confinement of sexual activity to marriage and restriction of homosexual behavior were so deeply embedded in the values of the nation that they were both integral to “any Constitutional doctrine in this area (Grolier 67). ”  In 1996, Congress created the Defense of Marriage Act against federal protection for homosexuals (Grolier 66). The United States of America has never recognized or approved of homosexuality and will not start now.

There is a theory that people are born with a homosexual gene, but that is no excuse. Homosexuality is very immoral. In Leviticus 18:22, God says, “Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable (Holy 131). ”  If this is against God’s law, then why shouldn’t it be against American law? Our country was founded on Christianity. Marriage is defined as a heterosexual life-time commitment relationship and a cross- gender union (Grolier 67). Gay marriage advocates argue that same-sex marriage should be legalized because homosexuality is a person’s right, and that the banning f that marriage is discrimination.

It is not debatable that homosexuality is immoral. It is also proven to have negative effects on society, and has never been included in America’s history or tradition (Grolier 66). It is incomprehensible why gay marriage should be legalized. If laws are made that approve gay marriage, then what is America coming to? What is next? People may try to marry family members, groups of people, maybe even animals. What would the difference be between that and homosexuality? There is proven evidence that gay marriages would send our country on a never ending downward spiral.

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