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The Cask Of Amonitillado Analysis Essay

Revenge seems to be a haunting thing that eats away at someone’s mind. And that person only gets sweet release when and only when they get that revenge on who is haunting them. Revenge seems to make people go mad if not avenged and this only seems to haunt the weak-willed. And the only people who act upon revenge is those not in their right mind. For example in “The Cask of Amonitillado” the narrator gives no exact reason of why he thinks he deserves revenge on Fortunato. The narrator is also show to have something wrong with his state of mind playing little mind games with Fortunato along the way to the catacombs.
“The Cask of Amonitillado” is a great example of a revenge story but why the narrator deserves this revenge is not clear. The atmosphere of the story gives of a very dark and sad place already portraying the crazy and sad world the narrator lives in. And the narrator believes that he has the right to revenge himself from Fortunato. While the narrator is luring Fortunato into the catacombs he plays mind games and play on words to…

That is a great shot with a gun. Silvio is a very vengeful person is what I got from his life before the little town where going to the post office is the adventure of the day. Silvio tells the narrator one day why he hasn’t gotten vengeance on any of the people that has wronged him in that town. Only because he is waiting to get his revenge on the Count. The perfect man that was all that Silvio was not. Silvio wanting revenge for something the Count did while they were in the army wanted to duel the Count. The Count obliged and Silvio saw that the Count was as a perfect shot as he was. So Silvio wanted to take his revenge at a time were the Count had everything to lose and nothing to gain. This was a very smart way to put fear into whoever your dueling. Silvio wanted to see the horror in the counts face while he showed up at his house and asked for a…

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