Teleology is an argument of God’s existence following the evidence of order defined as the design of nature. Teleological arguments also known as arguments from design, explain the order in the universe to the existence of God. The universe is believed to be ordered towards some end or a certain purpose. It is more reasonable to suggest that the universe was created by an intelligent being to accomplish a purpose rather than it being there by chance (McGrath, 2010). The teleological argument has been used to show the existence of God with popular arguments including that of William Paley. Paley used a watch to relate to the order, complexity and purpose of the universe. A watch has a number of ordered parts that work in harmony for an end…
The origin of life has been explained in terms of natural processes, but evidence of intelligent design is expressed by the mere fact that the universe allows life to exist above all other notions. It is still possible to sustain teleological arguments in light of modern scientific principles mainly because of the formation of right conditions to allow life. It is very unlikely that this happens by chance presenting evidence of an intelligent and supernatural being to produce life. Scientific discoveries show how complex and sensitive various conditions need to be for the origin of life for the universe (McGrath, 2010). The universe seems to have been fine-tuned from its inception to produce life on earth. Slight alterations of physical and cosmological quantities in nature would result to an imbalance that would destroy the existence of…
Evolution of species from other species primarily through natural selection explains that organisms adapt to their surroundings (McGrath, 2010). Darwinism replaced teleological explanations with physical ones of natural selection. The universe is designed in a way that it works through specific designs. Biology is design based and adopts the notion of design and teleology. One of the most mystifying things about the universe is that it permits any kind of design to work the way it does. There is teleology in both the biological and the technical world because the universe is simply designed that way. Natural selection in Darwinism explains how a fine working design has a chance of reproduction but not why the design works the way it does. This is explained by teleology which is the basis for natural selection.
Science works within the frameworks of pre-existing assumptions and for Darwin’s theory to work it is on the condition that there is teleology in nature. Organisms survive because they are teleological as opposed to stating they are teleological because they survived. There is no escaping the fact that the universe is an intelligent design which must have been created by an intelligent designer (McGrath, 2010). This assumption explains it existence and what it is while the cosmic design describes why it is this…