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Persuasive Essay On Cannabis Oil

Young people are more eager to try new things that will give them a feeling unlike one they have experienced before, in other words a high. If smoked it has a different effect on the body than it does if you use it for medical reasons. Cannabis oil which is concentrated cannabis extracts is becoming a popular medicine for patients with cancer, glaucoma, and seizures. ?Evidence has shown cannabinoids to be capable, under some conditions, of inhibiting the development of cancer cells? (Hazekamp). Cannabis oil isnt smoked, it is in an oil form which does not cause lung problems in the future. People taking cannabis oil are not using it for the high, they use it to “cure” or to help slow down their diagnosis. Taking cannabis oil doesn’t necessarily help the diagnosis either but in some situations it helps to gain your appetite back, it helps the person to sleep, and it also helps prevent being nauseous (Hazekamp). Although it is illegal in many states which makes it hard to give this treatment to many people. If given to children in states where it is illegal the parents can get in trouble and even have their children taken away. Many states look at the negative effects it has on the body by smoking it. However they haven’t looked at the positive effects it has on the body through the cannabis oil (Hazekamp).

A couple in Colorado had twins. The twins were born early, they were healthy until they were 3 months old. The little boy was fine however the little girl started having seizures. The parents rushed her to the hospital and they did tons of…

It helps to slow down the disease, it can also help prevent it, helps with appetite and sleep. Although marijuana is looked down upon we should take in consideration the benefits it has. We can make a difference with cannabis oil and make it easier for people who actually need it to be able to get it for themselves or their loved…

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