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Nature Vs Nurture Essay Examples

Frankenstein is a novel by Mary Shelley that was first published in 1818. The novel Frankenstein is about a young scientist, Victor Frankenstein, who creates a Monster from the parts of dead bodies. Frankenstein’s Monster is an example of what can happen when Nature and Nurture are not in balance.

Frankenstein shows us that Nature (the physical world around us) and Nurture (how we are raised and our environment) both play important roles in our lives. Victor Frankenstein grew up in a loving family, but he was also interested in science and wanted to understand the natural world. He went to university to study science, and it was there that he learned how to create life from the parts of dead bodies.

However, Frankenstein’s Monster was not raised in a loving home. He was created in a laboratory, and his first experience of the world was being rejected by his creator. Frankenstein’s Monster is a reminder that even if we are born with the best possible Nature (physical characteristics), we will not reach our full potential if we do not have a good Nurture (environment and upbringing).

The concept of nature vs. nurture refers to the debate over whether our personality is primarily shaped by inborn qualities (biological approach) or environmental conditioning (behaviourist approach). It’s still up for debate whether our personalities are largely determined by inherent genetics (biological approach) or learning through experience (behaviourist approach).

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley explores this age-old debate by pitting Frankenstein’s monster, an intelligent creature made from dead body parts, against his creator and society. Frankenstein forces us to question whether the monster is truly evil or if he is only a product of his environment.

Frankenstein’s monster is first introduced to us as a grotesque creature, hideously stitched together from dead body parts. He is shunned by everyone who lays eyes on him, including his own creator Frankenstein. The monster pleads with Frankenstein to create him a mate so that he will no longer be alone in the world, but Frankenstein refuses out of fear that they will wreak havoc on society. Spurned and rejected, the monster turns to revenge. He murders Frankenstein’s brother and Frankenstein’s best friend, causing Frankenstein great pain and suffering.

The monster is clearly capable of feeling emotions, yet he is branded as a murderer and an evil creature. Frankenstein’smonster provides a perfect example of the nature vs. nurture debate. Was the monster born evil or did his environment make him that way? The answer is not clear cut.

Frankenstein was created in an unnatural environment, pieced together from dead body parts. He did not have a mother to nurture him or teach him how to be human. Frankenstein rejected him and society shunned him. It could be argued that the monster was predisposed to violence and revenge because of the circumstances of his birth.

On the other hand, the monster does have a conscience. He knows that what he is doing is wrong and he feels remorse for his actions. He even tries to make up for his crimes by saving a little girl from drowning, showing that he is capable of compassion. It could be argued that the monster turned to violence because he was rejected by Frankenstein and society. If he had been accepted, he may have turned out to be a good person.

The nature vs. nurture debate is still relevant today. Are people born evil or do they become evil because of their environment? Frankenstein provides no easy answers, but the question is still worth considering. Frankenstein forces us to think about what it really means to be human. Are we the product of our genes or our environment? Frankenstein is a timeless story that will continue to provoke thought and discussion long after we have turned the last page.

The life-long debate is mirrored in the characterisation of Victor Frankenstein and the monster. She emphasizes the role of the environment, as demonstrated by Victor’s home education and the creature’s personality growth, in defining personality.

Frankenstein is a gothic novel that Frankenstein created in 1818, Shelley was only 19 when she wrote Frankenstein. The novel Frankenstein is about a Swiss scientist named Victor Frankenstein, who creates a monster from dead body parts. While most people think of Frankenstein as the monster, the real monster in the book is Frankenstein himself. Frankenstein’s creature is an outcast because he is hideous, and he wants revenge on his creator for abandonment.

Shelley believed that nurture played a more important role than nature in shaping human beings. This can be seen in how Victor’s upbringing shapes him into someone who is obsessed with his work to the point of neglecting everything else in his life. In contrast, the creature’s initial innocent and child-like nature is corrupted by the rejection and cruelty he experiences from humans.

If Victor had been raised in a more loving and nurturing environment, it is possible that he would not have become a mad scientist consumed by his work. Likewise, if the creature had been welcomed and accepted by society, he would not have turned into a murderer.

The emphasis of the behaviorist approach in Frankenstein is evident right away. Victor Frankenstein fondly recalls his affectionate and encouraging father, who had devoted himself to the education of his children from an early age. Victor emphasizes the significance of behaviorism when he says that ‘no creature could have had better parents than mine,’ emphasizing the loving and empathetic environment that he was raised in.

It seems that Frankenstein’s idyllic childhood has resulted in him having a strong emotional foundation, something which is often lacking in the lives of many criminals.

While it is clear that Frankenstein’s nurturing environment has had a positive impact on his life, this does not mean that nature does not play a role in his development. Frankenstein was born into a wealthy family, meaning he had access to resources and opportunities that other people did not. This privilege undoubtedly played a part in Frankenstein’s success as a scientist. Frankenstein also possesses high intelligence, which is largely determined by genetics. Therefore, it would be inaccurate to say that Frankenstein’s accomplishments are solely due to his upbringing. It is evident that both nature and nurture have contributed to who Frankenstein is as a person.

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is a complex and layered text that explores the delicate balance between nature and nurture. Frankenstein is a prime example of how both nature and nurture can shape a person’s life. While Victor Frankenstein’s upbringing was clearly supportive and loving, it is also clear that his natural abilities and privileges played a role in his development. Frankenstein is a fascinating character study that highlights the importance of both nature and nurture in the formation of a person’s identity.

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