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Is Atticus A Good Father

Atticus Finch is one of the most well-known fictional fathers in American literature. To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, features Atticus as a moral compass for his children and the town of Maycomb, Alabama. Despite being faced with racism and hate, Atticus remains an upstanding father and citizen.

In the novel, Atticus is faced with the challenge of defending a black man accused of a crime he did not commit. Throughout the story, Atticus shows his children the importance of treating everyone fairly and with respect, no matter their skin color. He also teaches them to stand up for what they believe in, even if it means going against the majority.

Because of his strong moral character and commitment to doing what is right, Atticus Finch is considered by many to be a good father. He sets a good example for his children and helps them to grow into compassionate and principled adults.

Atticus is attempting to be a good father to Scout and Jem in Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird. He never boasts about his talents. Atticus Finch only wants to be a good father and lawyer. He is kind and caring, explains children what the difference between correct and wrong is, as well as their rights.

Atticus is a good father because he is always there for his kids, he never hits them, and he is very patient. Atticus Finch is a great role model to Jem and Scout.

One reason why Atticus is a good father is that he is always there for his kids. When Jem gets in trouble at school, Atticus is always there to talk to him about what happened. He also talks to Scout about her day at school and what she did. Atticus is always willing to listen to his kids and help them with their problems.

Another reason why Atticus Finch is a good father is that he never hits his kids. He believes that it is not right to hit children. Atticus would rather talk to his kids about their problems than hit them. He also believes that hitting children will not solve anything.

The last reason why Atticus Finch is a good father is that he is very patient. Atticus is always patient with his kids. He never gets angry with them. Atticus is always willing to listen to his kids and help them with their problems. Atticus Finch is a great role model to Jem and Scout.

Atticus is attempting to instill in his children the idea that all people are born equal as a parent. He puts out the most effort to pass on his belief system about justice and equality to his children. Atticus is concerned that his kids may be exposed to too much racism and maltreatment, therefore he tries to teach them that everyone is equal from birth.

Jem and Scout have a lot to learn, and Atticus is the perfect person to teach them. One of the most important things that Atticus Finch does as a father is try to instill empathy in his children. In To Kill a Mockingbird, it’s vital that Jem and Scout are able to see from other people’s perspective, no matter how different they may be from their own. Atticus knows that if his kids can do this, they’ll be better people for it.

“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view… Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.”

This quote from Atticus shows how he feels about understanding others. He doesn’t just want his children to be kind, he wants them to understand where other people are coming from. This is an important lesson for Jem and Scout, especially during a time when racism was rampant.

Atticus Finch is a good father because he teaches his children empathy and understanding. He also tries to instill in them the importance of justice and equality. These are all vital lessons that Jem and Scout need in order to become good people.

“What I’m implying is that the key to developing self-confidence and a sense of personal worth rests on truly accepting oneself. This entails learning how to accept one’s faults without seeking outside approval or acceptance.” (60) Atticus wants his children to be unbiased in their treatment of other people, particularly when it comes to blacks and whites.

In To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper lee, Atticus is a good father because he is respectful to everyone and helps people in need.

Some may argue that Atticus is not a good father because he does not physically spend enough time with his children, but I believe that the time he does spend with them is very valuable. He talks to them about important life lessons and teaches them how to be kind and respectful people. Jem and Scout look up to Atticus as a role model, and I think he is a great influence on them.

The main theme of this chapter is the defense of Tom Robinson. While defending him, Atticus teaches racial equality and how to live in a diverse society. When Scout asks if he’s a “nigger lover” as many of the children at school do. Atticus replies, “I certainly am…. I make every effort to love everyone…)” (108) This shows that Atticus isn’t like other people in Maycomb; he strives to see each individual as equal to all others. To demonstrate his trust in justice and people’s rights, Atticus decides to take on the Tom Robinson case.

Atticus knows that it is going to be a hard case to win but he does not care he wants to show everyone in Maycomb that everyone deserves a fair chance. When Atticus goes to the jail cell to talk to Tom Robinson, he talks to him like a human being and not just some “nigger” in jail. “‘Don’t you understand? You’ve got as much sense as anybody else, maybe more. It’s just that you’re black and they’re white'” (169). This shows that even though Atticus knows he will probably lose the case, he still is going try his hardest for Tom Robinson because he knows that it is the right thing to do.

In conclusion, I believe that Atticus Finch is a good father. He may not be perfect, but he certainly tries his best and sets a good example for his children. He is the type of person that we should all strive to be like.

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