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Informative Speech On Macbeth Essay

Today is going to be a great day for the history of Scotland. After much tragedy, caused by the greed of the worst kind of men, order will finally be reestablished with the coronation of our new king: Macbeth. I, Ross, and all of the other noblemen of Scotland were invited to his castle for supper as part of the coronation tradition. I have concerns, however, about this whole ordeal, and that concern is shared amongst a handful of the other noblemen. Macbeth is certainly a worthy warrior, and his status in combat is proven and legendary. His capability to lead an empire, though, is not something that will have me rest easy. There is a reason that the warriors and kings are often different people. I hope Macbeth is an exception to this.

A noble points to an empty seat. At this point, Macbeth’s face quickly contorts into one of confusion and fear.
“Which of you have done this?” Macbeth barks.
I and the other nobles have not the faintest idea as to what is happening in Macbeth’s mind right now, and to think that this is our new king. He’s now shouting at the empty chair as if someone, or something, is on it. I tell the other nobles that maybe we should leave, and we all stand up to do so.
Lady Macbeth was agitated by this, and instructed us to sit back down, saying something along the lines that this is just an infrequent illness, and how we should just ignore it as it passes. This is a highly discomforting thought, and it is not only me who thinks this. The other nobles are looking around at each other, trying to make some sense of this episode. Someone mutters that he’s gone mad. Eventually, he recovers and we’re all a bit shocked by what has happened, but all in all relieved. As soon as it was over, another episode takes hold, and Lady Macbeth is quick to end the party, and shoos us all outside as quickly as she could. Maybe today isn’t a great day in the history of Scotland. Maybe the chaos isn’t over…

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