Home » Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, a true American classic

Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, a true American classic

Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain is a true American classic. Twain weaves a tremendous story about a boy, Huck, and a slave, Jim, who together overcome obstacles, and eventully reach their goals. Huck is boy who was made for the frointer, where he grows up. He is very practical, and has superb common sense, allowing him to think situations through, and decide on the best path to choose.

Yet Huck’s best quality is his deep caring for other human beings, and this is what makes him such a classic american character. Huck will stop at nothing to help other people, as shown in his aiding he king and the duke from escaping the posse, who wanted to kill them, and of his bringing Jim from slavery. Huck helps so many others despite leading a dreadful home life.

Huck is forced to fake his own death, and run off from Jim, in order to escape his drunk and disorderly father. Jim is the other major character of this novel. He is a slave who is befriended by Huck, and with Huck’s help, he escapes slavery. Huck shows his givingness to others in his aiding Jim, and together they become inseperable friends, and show that despite drastic differences amongst people, everyone is human, and deserves to be treated equal.

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