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How Did Shakespeare Impact The Renaissance Essay

The Renaissance was the rebirth of the European civilization promptly after the Middle Ages. Spreading across Europe from its birthplace in Italy, The Renaissance spanned from the 14th to the 16th centuries and was a time of great cultural and social change in Europe. This time period was distinguished by creativity, imagination, and innovation. This was also the time during which Europes classical past was recreated and revisited . What inspired people’s cultural movements during The Renaissance, were their tries to improve and imitate the legacies of previous European societies, like Greece and Ancient Rome. Some of the major changes that occurred in The Renaissance were things that involved literature, art, science, and more.
The Renaissance is important because it gave people a new perspective of the world. For example, “artists were recognized as not just mere artisans and were held at the same standard as poets and writers”(“Renaissance Art and Architecture,” Microsoft® Encarta® Online Encyclopedia 2000). They also developed linear perspective, as a result, it was seen as a window on the natural world, and it became the task of painters to portray this world in their art. After that painters began to devote themselves more to the manifest of landscapes, plants, flowers,etc. and how the eye perceives the elements of nature. At the same time,…

Shakespeare’s plays were greatly influenced by the major cultural shifts that were occurring at the moment. He also standardized the English language and expanded its vocabulary and also deepened the humanity of the characters in his plays by giving them emotional complexity. Shakespeare also changed the way plays were at the time were by creating a new style that combined tragedies with comedy which was in no way common. As a result, he created a pathway that many other future playwrights and other writers…

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