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History and Polynesian Tattoos

On the basis of mythology, humans learned the art of tattooing from the 2 ones of the God of Creation Taro’s. Tattooing was operated by high trained shamans (that) in the religious ceremony, who was an expert in the meanings of the tattoo and skills Of the art (www. Polyunsaturated. Com, 2014). The origin of the Samoan auto is believed to have been introduced to the Samoa islands by two Fiji women, who came ashore with the tools and knowledge of tattooing.

The tale proclaimed that the two sisters sang a song, which chanted that women are only to be tattooed, but as they neared the beach shores, the song mistakenly became reversed, indicating that only the men will be tattooed (www. As. Gob, 2014). Getting tattooed is a sacred ceremony in Polynesian culture. Tattoos and their location on the body were determined by one’s genealogy, position within the society and personal achievements (YMMV. Polyunsaturated. Com). A person was also to undergo a cleansing before getting tattooed.

They were expected to fast and abstain from sexual intercourse for a period of time before the tattoo process could be done. This ceremony has survived the test of time and while there is no record of when exactly these sisters arrived and introduced auto to the Samoan, the discovery of auto is known. The first Polynesian Islands to be visited were the Marques’s Islands which were found the Spanish navigator, Lavabo De Median De Naira, in 1 595 (www. Polyunsaturated. Com).

Since the Marques’s Islands did not have any sort of valuable resources to the explorers, they paid no attention to the tattoos on the natives. It was in 1769 when Captain James Cook first landed in Tahiti that tattoos would be discovered. Captain Cook happened to be charting the islands and collecting natural history specimens with Joseph Banks (dab. Ann.. Deed. AU, 2014). When Captain Cook returned to Europe he rough a Titian named Ma’am with him. Shortly thereafter, Polynesian tattoos became popular with European sailors (www. Polyunsaturated. Com). It’s during this period that New World is being discovered. At the time the Marques’s Islands were being discovered, England was in the midst of the Elizabethan Age. Public theater was experiencing a revival with the building of the Theatre in London. This was made possible by the genius of William Shakespeare, the most acclaimed dramatist of the English language (Bishop 240). Italy was undergoing a late Renaissance during this timeshare as well. Venetian painters began painting in a style called mannerism.

Mannerism employed exaggeration, distortion, and expressiveness in an elegant and inventive play on Renaissance conventions (249). By the time Captain James Cook and Joseph Banks landed in Tahiti, the Age of Exploration was drawing to a close. The Americas had been discovered and were being colonized by those seeking religious freedoms, trade routes to India and China had been charted, and now the last of the undiscovered world was being found and charted for navigational record. Back in Europe the arts and architecture were continuing their evolution.

There was the Raccoon style of art and architecture. This artistic style was considered gay, witty, and often frivolous (292). The people of Europe and the American colonies were being inspired by the spirit of enlightenment-the belief in the supremacy of reason over pleasure, and a conviction that humans could perfect society through the application of the intellect of human affairs (292). It would be these thoughts that eventually would lead to the spirit of revolution and change the course of how countries were ruled. Throughout time our world has undergone an evolution.

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