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Essay on The Inheritance Of Tools Analysis

Inheritance is given in many forms. This could be what is left in the parents will, but it can also be the character inheritance. Character inheritance is the things learned from the previous generation on how to behave or morals. The inheritance passed down is what shapes Sanders as a man in the short story “The Inheritance of Tools”. The tool used to convey this is the hammer. Sanders’ father had it before him and before him his grandfather used it. Though new handles for the hammer had been made; the generational inheritance is buried within it. Each owner used and passed it along, as will Sanders to his son. The hammer symbolizes the passing down of inheritance to each new generation. Sanders uses the emotions of his father’s death, the…

When he smashed his thumb and received news of his father’s death he was building the wall for his daughter. He was building this wall thinking of how his father would have gone about building it. (145) Sanders was emotionally attached to the wall, “I took pains over the wall I was building the day my father died.” (143) The author shows his true character when his daughter’s gerbils become trapped within the wall. (143) Though he built the wall the day his father died he was willing to tear it down for the sake of his crying daughter. This shows the outstanding disposition Sanders’ has. The inheritance of this character is something that can only be learned from true kindness and selflessness.
The hammer represents the physical inheritance of generations. Each owner used and wore out many handles. The new generation was taught how to use it from the generation before. They were taught not only how to use it, but how to use it correctly and take pride in their work. The hammer also symbolizes the unseen inheritance of generations. Sanders’s was taught how to be a man with true morals and skills to provide for their family. The disposition Sanders represents is the one passed down from his father and the father before…

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