Home » Essay about Personal Narrative: My Trip To The Dominican Republic

Essay about Personal Narrative: My Trip To The Dominican Republic

Looking over the side all I seen were clouds and ocean. The water looked so beautiful from up that high. I could see birds flying in and out of the clouds from underneath of us. After a while I saw the island, palm trees covered it and the beaches were by far the best scenery. After our plan landed and we got off, the first thing I felt was the hot, humid air hit my face. Unluckily I was wearing jeans and a sweater because it was fall in Ohio. We were greeted with friendly faces welcoming us to Dominican Republic.
We were on the bumpy dirt road, heading to our hotel. We passed some run down houses and stores. Kids were walking outside half clothed or even naked, staring at us with their begging eyes. It was almost a hundred degrees there when we arrived. The hotel seemed so nice compared…

We got a yellow jeep with no windows or roofing on it. At first it was weird because in my entire life I have never been in a car with no roof, it was kind of scary. On our way up the mountains to our first destination, we had to go up and down steep hills. We almost fell off the side of a cliff because of how narrow the roads were. Without dying we made it to our first stop, the sugar cane fields. The fields reminded me of wheat fields when I first saw them. The owners had kids doing all of the work in the fields and the parents would feed them for all of the work they have done. They told us not to give them any money because the parents would take it from them and spend it on drugs. We brought with us some cookies and pop to give to the children, they thanked us so much. We were able to try raw sugar cane, right from the root. It tasted like regular sugar to my surprise. After that we then go back into our jeep and started to drive away. My brother and I were sitting in the back seat and a kid jumped on the back of the car and stole a pop bottle right out of my brother’s…

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