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Effective Mentor

This module has given me a real insight into how to be a good and effective mentor. There are many areas involved in becoming a good mentor. At the start of this module I studied the snakes and ladder model to mentorship. This emphasised the importance of assisting students climb the ladders and let letting them slip down the snake. There are many qualities you need to have, in order to becoming a good mentor. I have learnt that if you lack in just one of these qualities, the student you are mentoring can easily slip down the ladder.

In my portfolio I have added a mind map showing the qualities I feel you must possess in order to help students climb the ladder. There is an importance to mentor as an ambassador, we need to have the ability to inspire people to assist in change and constantly looking to seeking for improvement. There is a need to look past the here and now and look at the broader picture. With this it will improve patient care and assist the student improving their skills and knowledge. As mentors we need to be role models, we to be someone students can look up to and be inspired by.

This will help students reach the same high standards you have. But with this, there is an importance to be consistent, as failure to keep to the high standards you set will not assist the student, and be detrimental to their progression. Being an energiser/motivator mentor you see the student as the future. We need to be motivated in supporting the student through their career and be willing to help and assist the student in any way possible. Through this student will themselves feel motivated to learn and develop their skills.

I have learnt there are many ways to people to learn, we all have different ways and as mentors we need to be able to facilitate learning for others. We need to be able to adapt our teaching in order to find the most appropriate and effective way the student learns. It is important that as mentors we find the correct way at the start in order help the student learn in the best and most comfortable way they find. As a mentor we need to take an active role in facilitating a student’s learning, this is a matter of standard practise as according to the royal college of nursing.

Mentors need to be accessible to students for support. This can be done by a number of ways such as, emailing, phone calls, meeting and direct supervision. It is vital during the student’s programme that we are be approachable, open and honest at all times. With this, trust will be built up between you both. When trust is gained it will enable the student to open up to their mentor and feel they can talk and ask for support when needed. Building this relationship is vitally important in practise and will assist a student’s progression.

Making students feel part of the team is something which will help them settle in their role. So introducing them to colleagues, engaging them in conversations and showing them around areas we use will give them the sense of being part of a team and build up a rapport with staff members. In order to be able to assist the student, as mentors we need to be up to date on skills, procedures and equipment. Failure to do this, will be giving the student a disservice and can lead to poor patient care and dangerous practise.

As per the HCPC’S standards of professional development we must be up to date with CPD’S, seek to ensure the our CPD has contributed to quality of our practise and service delivery. Mentors need to have the knowledge and information regarding students programme. This will include keeping up to date with the student’s progression and their competencies at the time. With this we will be able to identify learning opportunities for students in practise and assist in outcomes achieved. I have learnt that time must be found to provide reflection, offer constructive feedback and monitor the student’s progression through their programme.

During this time, discussion of areas of weakness, look to build on learning opportunities and discuss options to help overcome these. Being reflective in your practise is very important. It gives you the opportunity to think about a previous experience and evaluate it. It is a great way to learn from previous experiences and become a better mentor/practitioner. You develop self-awareness and reflect on your own actions and look to see how others see you. Becoming a life-long learner will help you progress through your career.

Having the ability to be reflective in your practise will help you and your student learn from previous experiences and both improve practise. One of the most enjoyable parts to this module was the opportunity to teach. I found the tools in this module an excellent aid to help me. I received some excellent feedback from staff and ways in order to progress. I learnt about the different aspects to teaching. Student-Centred approach was the style I used for my teaching. I found it an excellent way to teach and keep student interactive and the setting remained informal and relaxed.

However, there are some negatives to this approach. I have learnt that there are pros and cons to all the different types to approaches. However, you can adapt to suit the members of staff I am assisting. A good way for this is to sit down and talk informally with the student about their preferred teaching style and then be able to adapt to suit the student to help the student get the most out of the session. Supporting a student in difficulties is critical to being a mentor. We must meet with the student as soon as possible to discuss the issue and be honest and open.

It is not uncommon for a student to struggle at some point. Not all students may want to open up about their difficulties so we as mentors need to be able to notice a change in behaviours and need to be calm, have the correct manor in order to discuss them and make sure they know we are there to help and assist them. Actions Plans can be used for all students and are an excellent way of sitting down and talking through the actions that we will put in place to assist them. With this help students will know where they need to improve and show them ways and techniques to help them along the way.

Providing feedback in fundamental to aiding the development of learners. For areas of improvement I have learnt that constructive feedback is needed at times but we must always have a way forward. Positive feedback is really important. When giving constructive feedback we need to start and end this with positive feedback. This will ensure the session ends on a positive note. As future mentors we need to have the ability to critically appraise evidence from a range of sources to formulate recommendations for practice development/ change and demonstrate commitment to lifelong learning and continual learning from experience.

During this module, I have found the ability to critically appraise sources a struggle. I have put an action plan together to overcome this and improve my ability to be better in this area and therefore have the ability to assist others. I am a lifelong learner to is eager and enthusiastic to improve my practise at all times. I regularly reflect and this module has emphasised the importance of reflection. This module has really emphasised the importance of continuously developing my own practise.

Improving this will assist me in improving patient care, assisting colleagues and peers in their journeys. This module of mentorship and leadership has really helped me improve my skills and knowledge about how to be a good and effective mentor/leader. Mentorship is vital to assist and support staff of their chosen career paths. Early contact with your student will really assist you in getting to know their needs and learning methods. We need to be friendly, approachable, open and honest, calm, knowledgeable, adaptable, energised and a lifelong learner.

We must build a good working relationship with the student and gain trust between ourselves. Be pro-active, professional and someone to aspire to. There are ways different ways and means to be a good and effective mentor. It’s a life-long process in which we learn from day to day and from experiences. This module has given me an excellent start in becoming a mentor and something I am going to carry on learning from day to day. As being a mentor are common goal is to help and support students climb the ladder to reach the top.

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