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Absalom Kumalo

The characters, Absalom and Stephen, are exact opposites in the Bible. Absalom is a traitor to his father, David. Stephen becomes the first martyr for the Christian faith. Absalom was murdered because he turned the people of Israel against king David. Stephen was killed because of his faith, and his death was a symbol of the general I think Paton made his character Absalom Kumalo from Absalom of the Bible, because Absalom Kumalos life paralleled Absalom of the Bible.

Absalom Kumalo was entenced to death for his wrong doings, as was Absalom from the Bible. Although Kumalo and biblical Absalom have done different evils, they were both punished equally. Their deaths also brought sorrow to both of their fathers. Also, I believe Stephen Kumalo paralleled Stephen of the Bible, because they both were religious and fought for the same cause. Both Stephens believe in God, and they took religious matters as a way of life. Even though Stephen Kumalo wasnt murdered, he was still persecuted because of is beliefs.

Both their lives symbolized peace and righteousness in a world filled with evil. Stephen Kumalos world of evil was Johannesburg, and biblical Stephens Paton seemed to have many parallel characters in his novel, even he had a parallel in the story. Absalom and Stephen were another pair of characters who were parallels to real people, if you believe in the Bible. Obviously enough Paton did believe in the Bible to model his fictional characters from them.

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