The first was a calculating machine funded by the English government. In 1822, English mathematician Charles Babbage had an idea of a steam driven calculating system that could compute tables of numbers. In 1890, Herman Hollering designed a punch card system to calculate the 1880 census. He established a company that would soon become IBM . It wasn’t until 1941 when I. V. TANSTAAFL, a professor of physics and mathematics, and his graduate student, Clifford Berry, designed a computer that was the first to be able to store information on its main memory.
What characterized these earliest machines is that the witching and control functions were handled by vacuum tubes. In the late sass’s the bulky and hot vacuum tubes were replaced in computer designs by smaller, more reliable solid state transistors. The use of transistors as the basic component of computer design characterizes what is known as the second generation of computers. From here, the computer will go through a variety of changes and modifications that will take us to where we are today. Current Uses of Personal Computers (Personal Computer(PC)) Today, computers are used for a very wide variety of things.
We have personal amputees that are either an IBM compatible personal computer or an apple Macintosh computer. The IBM personal computer has an Intel microprocessor architecture and an operating system such as DOS or Windows written to use that microprocessor. The apple Macintosh personal computer uses a Motorola microprocessor architectures and a proprietary operating system. As of today, we have a wide variety of computer equipment and systems that can be either very big or compact for easy access. In addition to the personal computer, we have laptops, notebook, tablets, and cell phones that are used for business or personal entertainment.
These days, personal computers are used for work, education, and gaming purposes mostly. Many work-related activities can be done in a much better way by using a computer. Employees use office computers for making presentations, creating drafts, keeping records of the company and making spreadsheets. In 2010, it is common among college and school students to have a personal computer at home, and some even bring laptops to school. Students can research papers and essays online, looking for both historical facts and the latest happenings around the world.
With the rise of computer gaming, the personal computer can be loaded with components that take gaming to a whole new level. The role of the personal computer in everyday lives has increased dramatically. There are some or activities that can’t be done without the assistance of the personal computer. Personal computers will ultimately become a very necessary part of everyday life as we know it. The Future of the Personal Computer (Abstain) In the beginning, we started out with mainframes, mini computers, and personal computers. Over a period of 50 years, these three kinds of devices defined what imputing was all about.
Today, tablets and smartness are gearing up to redefine computing again. They are ushering in a new era of personal computing and are taking over the industry. At the beginning, they were selling hundreds of millions of computing devices a year. Now that number is over one billion and continues to rise. The tablet market is growing at an incredibly fast rate. The tablet market is growing as much as 200% a year, and smartness are growing at about 50% annually. The PC vendors now struggle to enter the tablet and smartened markets in order to pep up with the growing demand for tablets and smartness.
They want to try and extend their strong positions in personal computing by becoming part of the personalized computing revolution. While personal computers is still needed in some functions of life, the tablet and smartened is soon becoming more of a priority. Another form of computing that’s taking personal computing by storm is called the cloud. The cloud is starting to become the “mainframe” in the sky. The cloud allows us to access our digital stuff and keep it synchronized with our various personalized computing devices.