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Why Abortion Shouldn

Abortion Is a second choice for females who don’t want or able to support their unborn. For some females abortion Is her only option 51% of women In the U. S who have abortions are younger than 25. In 2011 black women were 3. 7 times ore likely to have an abortion than non;Hispanic and white women. Abortion shouldn’t be illegal because for some women or teenage girls they have no other option. Some people believe that “A woman belong to herself so she should be able to decide what she wants to do with her body’.

For example if a woman decides to remove a Moe on her body (which is the same as having a living fetus inside of her). She should be able to decide if she wants to keep a living fetus inside of her, because the fetus is not self-sustaining. To have a baby it requires a lot of the mother’s body and physical resources to survive and some woman aren’t able to provide that for their child. Every year there are more than 3 million reports of child abuse made from the U. S most of the time because a mother did not want her child.

According to children. Org when mothers have children they don’t want their child Is at risk of being abused and neglected. Research says that “mothers who have children they don’t want abuse and neglect their child for various of reasons. If abortion was illegal I believe that the LLC. S would have a lot more cases of neglected and abused kids. People that are against abortion say that she shouldn’t have put herself in that position to where she has to decide between giving her unborn life or taking life away from it before its alive.

But my thing is what about the women that are raped and don’t want to their child because it reminds them of their attacker and they wouldn’t know what to say if the child as to see his/her father. Abortion would be their only choice other than adoption and having the baby. Abortion isn’t Just saving a child from having a bad life It also gives the mother a healthier life. For women with disease, such as kidney disease, and other Illnesses that can be life threatening. Abortion has helped avert serious medical complications. Abortion was illegal women with health problems wouldn’t just put their child’s life at risk they would also put theirs at risk. Making abortion illegal would be like not having equal rights for women, it would be k for women to mental and physical abuse her child, lots of kids would be the result of their mother being raped, there would be a lot of children born with a other because it her only option as to have her child and not live. Abortion is really needed for all sorts of reasons would we really want to make it illegal?

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