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Whats killing our country

This year alone cigarettes will kill 420,00 Americans, and how many more will suffer from cancers, and circulatory and respiratory diseases. These horrible illnesses were known to originate from cigarettes for years, and recently nicotine, the main man chemical additive in cigarettes, was declared addictive by the Food and Drug Administration. This explains why smokers continue to use cigarettes even though smokers are aware of the constantly warned about health dangers in cigarettes. Although smokers constitute the majority of the people who suffer from cigarettes, they are not the only ones ailing rom cigarette smoke.

The amount of second hand smoke inhaled by the typical non smoker is equivalent to one cigarette smoker per day. Even that amount of smoke can cause damage to a persons heart. Smoking by pregnant women causes allot of premature deaths and miscarriages. The only way to terminate the suffering and loss of life brought upon by cigarettes exists as a complete proscription on them. Opponents to the banning of cigarettes argue though, that it will create a profound impact on the economy. For years cigarettes have been known to cause cancer, emphysema, and other horrible illnesses.

The death of 420,000 Americans this year will be attributable to cigarettes. With all the other causes of preventable deaths, accidents, alcohol, illegal drugs, AIDS, suicide, transportation accidents, fires, and guns, cigarettes still account for more preventable deaths than those do combined. The first thing people see, in the morning, when they walk outside is the sky or the colored sun, Is the world giving us the privilege of seeing the natural colors of the sun through all layers of pollution within the air?

Not only are beautiful sights such as this hidden behind the ollution this world causes everyday, but an increasing diseases, infections and death occurs. What causes pollution? What can we do to prevent it, and get rid of it? Is it fair to the children of the future to have to suffer the consequences that pollution causes? Why not take care of the problem now? Factory and business owners have the ability to prevent air pollution. Air pollution is the presence in the atmosphere of harmful gases, liquids, or solids.

Air pollution, known as smoke pollution for many years, resulted from coal combustion. Smog gas been a problem in coal burning areas for several centuries. Smog finally decreased when coal combustion was replaced by oil and gas combustion. Air pollution is caused by a number of different types of pollutants. The first type, particulate matter, consist of solid and liquid aerosois suspended in the atmosphere. The second type is sulfur oxides which come from the burning of coal and industrial processes.

The third type of pollutant is carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is colorless, odorless, tasteless gas against which humans have no protection. The fourth type is hydrocarbons which are chemical compounds containing only carbon and hydrogen. The ast type is nitrogen oxides that come form high temperature combustion, such as that occurring in motor vehicle engines, electric power plants and other fuel usage. All these pollutants are destroying our planet in front of our eyes and there isnt much were are doing.

Acid rain is a serious problem with disastrous effects. Each day this serious problem increases, many people believe that this issue is too small to deal with right now. This issue should be met head on and solved before it is too late. Acid rain is a cancer eating into the face of Eastern Canada and the North Eastern United States. On both sides of he border, cars and trucks are the main sources for nitric acid , while power generating plants and industrial commercial and residential fuel combustion together contribute most of the rest.

Acid rain is killing more than lakes, It can scar the leaves of hardwood forest, wither ferns, accelerate the death of coniferous needles, sterilize seeds, and weaken the forests to a state that is vulnerable to disease, infestation and decay. In the soil the acid neutralizes chemicals vital for growth, strips other from the and soil and carries them to the lakes and literally retards the respiration of the soil. There is evidence that he rain is destroying the productivity of the once rich soils themselves, like and overdose of chemical fertilizer.

The damage of such overdosing may not be repairable or reversible . Acid rain is very real and a very threatening problem. In order for things to be done we need to find a way to work together on this for at least a reduction in the contaminants contributing to acid rain. Although there are right steps in the right direction s but the government should be cracking down on factories not using the best filtering systems when incinerating or if the factory is giving of many other dangerous fumes.

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