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The history in the great gatsby

The Great Gatsby has a strong sense of popular American History. Ranging from World War I to prohibition and “The Jazz Age” to sass’s social economics, the novel is full of historical references. Jay Gatsby perfectly represents all of the aspects of the sass’s perfectly. He Idealizes wealth and easy living Just Like everyone In the sass’s did. After suffering through the tragic war, Americans felt entitled to having a little fun and concentrating on finding pleasure and comfort for themselves In order to forget bout the war.

The 1 ass’s were a time of optimism and ambition, when Individuals felt that they could leave behind their pasts and could become anyone they wanted. Gatsby had believed in that same dream and believed that he could win anything, even love, with money. One of the most important themes in The Great Gatsby is its focus on money as the foundation of American society. During the sass’s, the USA experienced an extraordinary economic boom that made the values of materialism and ambition take over the American mentality.

With a high social class possible for everyone during the sass’s, many Americans did try to involve themselves in “get- rich-quick” systems that sometimes included illegal activities such as gambling and bootlegging. The color green, the color of money, plays an especially important role in this book- the light at the end of Daisy’s deck, and when Nick describes North America as the “large, undeveloped piece of green land had filled that the original Dutch explorers with hope and ambition”. In this novel, the color green symbolizes the quest for the American Dream and the belief that money could solve any robbers.

The novel is set in the era when organized crime became a means of rebelling against Prohibition, and Gatsby has made an incredible amount of money as a bootlegger. At his extravagant parties, he entertains movie stars and singers, celebrities who gained great acclaim and social position during a decade that was obsessed with beauty, entertainment, and pleasure. And of course, everything good must come to an end. The Roaring Twenties ended and began a decade of tragedy. In the novel, Gatsby fun all came to an abrupt end when Daisy left him for Tom and

Gatsby was killed. The party was over, and the American Dream seemed to be nothing but a myth. The history in the great Gatsby By biographers Written in 1925, The Great Gatsby has a strong sense of popular American History. Idealizes wealth and easy living Just like everyone in the sass’s did. After suffering concentrating on finding pleasure and comfort for themselves in order to forget about the war. The sass’s were a time of optimism and ambition, when individuals this book – the light at the end of Daisy’s deck, and when Nick describes North

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