Home » Personal Legends In Chinua Coelho’s Siddhartha Essay

Personal Legends In Chinua Coelho’s Siddhartha Essay

Along Siddhartha and Santiago’s quests, they achieve their Personal Legends through experience, an ideal form of learning, that is essential to gain wisdom.
From listening to their dreams, Santiago and Siddhartha realize their Personal Legends and embark on their journeys to pursue enlightenment. Both characters need experience to help them understand what they desire from life. In the town Tarifa, Santiago is intrigued because in his dream “[a] child [takes] [him] by both hands, [ ] transports [him] to the Egyptian pyramids” and tells him that he will find treasure near the location (Coelho 13). Therefore, Santiago craves to know if his dream is significant. Without this dream, Santiago would not be able to go to the gypsy who tells him he must go to the Pyramids in Egypt to find a treasure that will make him rich. Santiago “[has] the same dream that night, a…

Santiago registers that his dream may have shed some light on a new journey in his future and that there is more to life than peacefully herding sheep. Likewise, Siddhartha experiences a feeling of incompletion within himself. He feels as if “dreams and a restlessness of the soul come to [himself]” and is not happy with his current lifestyle (Hesse 5). Siddhartha has everything he has ever wanted, yet he still feels as though he has a bigger purpose in life. Siddhartha “[begins] to feel that the love of his father, mother, and…the love of his friend Govinda, [will] not always make him happy…” and has a feeling of discontent (Hesse 5). Without this feeling, Siddhartha would not leave his…

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