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My Last Duchess Poem Analysis

This is a poem about a story that dated back to the time of aristocracy in Italy. The main character is the abominable Duke of Ferrara. His behavior with people and his wife was detestable. His only concern was his aristocratic heritage, condition that had induced him to act in an arrogant manner. After knowing everything about the Duke, if I were the ambassador, I would make the following report to the Count: In conversation with the Duke, attracted my attention his manners, language and gestures. Everyone is concerned about the kind of man he is.

The Duke himself recognizes he is egoist, proud, arrogant, shrewd and the most abominable of all things: murderous. He let everyone know that he will not permit his will to be thwarted or his honor ignored. He could not stand the joy the former duchess felt for things not provided by him; like riding her white mule, watching sunset or accepting a gift of fruits. Her behavior was an insult to him, so he has her killed. The Duke was angry because she didnt recognize his aristocratic heritage, which includes his name, rank and pride. I was shock because the Duke thought that he behaved properly.

He turns conversation from the last Duchess to business including his impending marriage and the dowry. The worst thing of all is that he refers to his Duchess as an object, a possession added to his prized collection. He has a portrait of the last Duchess which no one can see without his authority as it is in a wall behind a curtain. This portrait equals in pride to his prized statue of Neptune taming a sea horse. My impression of the Duke is that he is a cruel depot, haughty, interested only in his own benefits, thinking only in what pleases him and that everyone has to pay homage to him.

He couldnt stand his honor to be ignored. Everyone has to obey him and do what he pleases. In his speech the Duke reveals himself as selfish, insolent, tyrannical, proud, etc. Count, as you have a marriageable aristocratic daughter, she should avoid any contact with the Duke, who wants to marry a girl like her. Dont pay any attention to the Duke or make him or his words impress you or your daughter. He has bad feelings. In conclusion, the Duke is a very strange man, that uses his power to do what he wishes. With his threat; language and actions, he makes people sad and force them to stop smiling.

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