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Jay Sterling Silver Argument Analysis Essay

In reality, people are able to be ethically responsible instantaneously at hand through their capability in doing so. People act ethically responsible when one is in need of assistance because their they let their sympathetic feelings of compassion take over their intentions. Ethical responsibility is a duty or obligation to ensure the individual’s well-being through specific commitments such as saving someone from tragedy. One piece of text that revolves around people having the capacity in demonstrating sudden acts of ethical responsibility is “Can the Law Make Us Be Decent” by Jay Sterling Silver.

Though many may argue that Silver’s argument is invalid, most will agree that his argument is in fact agreeable because the emotions of one triggers him or her into being an ethically responsible person in various ways and people will be able to assist one in need of saving due to civil liability as a benefit. The author, Jay Sterling Silver, argues in regards to ethically responsibility is that the United States of America should have a law that requires people to be ethically responsible if needed and that protects those who do help.

The author, Silver, is trying to show that people in most states especially the , United States, have the political right of wanting to help one in need “the expert swimmer, with a boat and a rope at hand, who sees another drowning before his eyes, is not required to do anything at all about it, but may sit on the dock, smoke his cigarette, and watch the man drown. ” In this textual evidence, it illustrates that a very advanced swimmer with lifeguard equipment wanted to smoke his cigarette even though he saw the tragedy of one person drowning in the water right before his eyes.

Moreover, he allowed his intention of smoking as his first riority rather than providing assistance to the man suffering in distress. Therefore, the author is arguing that most people should be ethically responsible by allowing very crucial priors such as saving a man from drowning in the ocean to be their first priority instead of their unnecessary intentions. Another example regarding to the topics of ethical responsibility is “any person who knows that another is imminent danger, or has sustained serious physical harm, and who fails to render reasonable assistance shall be fined up to $5,000, imprisoned for up to three months, or both.

This quote is representing that bystanders who are experiencing people suffering in a severe situation and not providing at least minimal effort for them; shall be served serious consequences involving civil government. The author, Silver, suggest that people will eventually act in an ethically responsible manner when the U. S creates a law that forces people to provide minimal assistance severe situations or they will have to serve consequences such being charged for a $5,000 fine.

In conclusion, Jay Sterling Silver wants the U. S to have a law that requires us to provide at least minimal effort in helping the person in need of saving and being protected when acting ethically responsible due to the country’s civil liability. To begin, people act ethically responsible in a heroistic manner because their emotions are triggered when seeing severe observations. Some people are ethically responsible due to their emotions taking in effect is “He was seen clinging with five other survivors to the tail section of the airplane. This man was described by Usher and Windsor as appearing alert and in control.

Every time they lowered a lifeline and flotation ring to him, he passed it on to another of the passengers. “In a mass casualty, you’ll find people like him,” said Windsor. “But I’ve never seen one with that commitment. ” When the helicopter came back for him, the man had gone under. His selflessness was one reason the story held national attention; his anonymity another. The fact that he went unidentified invested him with a universal character. For a while he was Everyman, and thus proof (as if one needed it) that no man is ordinary” (Rosenblatt 1).

In this example, the text interprets that the “man in the water” was described as “Everyman” because he sacrificed his chance to save himself by giving the other survivors who are in need of saving a second chance in life. Moreover, he allowed his sympathetic feelings to take over his personal intentions when saving the other passengers. Therefore, people are human when they allow their emotional feelings of being ethically responsible in life-death situations as their first act of sacrifice.

In reality, I experienced many people who demonstrate themselves to be ethically responsible in different places such as high school, state universities, and etc. In my personal experience, people act ethically responsible which is another form of providing minimal assistance, Therefore, if people can not physically solve a certain situation through their actions then they can mentally at least provide minimal assistance to one’s personal problems such as a teacher encouraging student to have a brighter educational future.

To conclude, people demonstrates their ethical responsibility as heroes through various ways of benefitting them through physical, mental, or other types of ethical responsibility. However, the U. S should not establish ethical responsibility as a requirement because it being a law can have its disadvantages. The U. S system of proposing ethical responsibility symbolizes some flaws as an official duty is “Under American law, liability generally exists for action, not inaction. We are each responsible for the harm we cause to others due to the lack of reasonable care” (Allred and Bloom 1).

In this example, the U. S demonstrates that by establishing ethical responsibility as a law. Additionally, the United States will take the people’s responsibility for granted because they are forcing them to always be ethically responsible no matter the circumstance. Therefore, the U. S system should allow people to know when to be ethically responsible through their heart’s desire instead of doing it as a fixed political obligation. On the contrary, if our country’s legal system does not give reasonable consequences for not providing the best effort in solving a crucial circumstance, then people would have no true emotions.

In most countries, people sometimes demonstrate themselves as true beings because they act in several ethically responsible ways in solving dire situations through non-motivations. One of the few reasons that people randomly demonstrate their act of being an ethically responsible person is “we see that compassion is deeply rooted in our brains, our bodies, and in the most basic ways we communicate; what’s more, a sense of compassion fosters compassionate behavior and helps shape the lessons we teach our children” (Gregoire 1).

In this example, it represents how people randomly commit into doing something ethically responsible due to people having compassion as their hidden quality. To conclude, people’s compassion is their hidden quality of doing something really ethically responsible. Finally, though many may argue that Silver’s argument is invalid, most will agree that his argument is in fact agreeable because the emotions of one triggers him or her into being an ethically responsible person in various ways and people will be able to assist one in need of saving due to civil liability as a benefit.

People should treat their unnecessary motivations as a worthless commitment when it comes into doing something very crucial like saving a man drowning in the water. The relationship between a country’s legal system and ethical responsibility is establishing the connection of people being able to something risky and time consuming through political civil responsibility and wanting to do something admirable for others to understand the general idea of true ethical responsibility.

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