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Existentialism In The Stranger

Albert Camus’ “The Stranger” is a prime example of existentialist fiction. The novel’s protagonist, Meursault, is a cold and emotionally detached character who seemingly lacks any sense of purpose or meaning in his life. Throughout the course of the story, Meursault comes to terms with his own mortality and eventual death, which leads him to embrace the absurd and embrace life for what it is.

In doing so, Meursault comes to embody many of the key tenets of existentialism, including the belief that life is ultimately meaningless and that each individual must create their own meaning in life.

Existentialism is a philosophical movement that emphasizes individual freedom and choice, as well as the inherent meaninglessness of life. The philosophy is often associated with feelings of anxiety and despair, as it can be difficult to come to terms with the fact that life has no inherent purpose or meaning.

Existentialists believe that it is up to each individual to create their own meaning in life, which can be a daunting task. However, many existentialists also believe that the act of creating one’s own meaning is what makes life worth living.

Albert Camus was a French philosopher and writer who was a key figure in the existentialist movement. In addition to “The Stranger”, Camus also wrote several other works that explore the human condition, including “The Myth of Sisyphus” and “The Rebel”.

Camus’ work often focuses on the absurd, and he is considered to be one of the first philosophers to discuss the concept of the absurd in a philosophical context. Camus’ work has had a significant impact on existentialist thought, and he is considered to be one of the most important existentialist thinkers.

Existentialism is a philosophical school or tendency that emphasizes individuality, freedom, and choice. Because there are so many definitions associated with this term, it’s hard to nail down exactly what it means. However, there are certain key elements common to existentialist thoughts.

These include the following: existence precedes essence, humans are ontologically free and responsible for their own choices, humans create their own values and determine a meaning for their life.

Existentialism is a major theme in Albert Camus’ novel The Stranger. The story’s protagonist, Meursault, is an emotionally detached character who seemingly does not care about anything or anyone. He lives a life without purpose or meaning. Meursault’s complete lack of concern for others can be seen when he shows no emotion at his mother’s funeral. He also kills an Arab man for no apparent reason.

Meursault’s indifferent attitude towards life and his actions show that he embodies existentialist beliefs. Existentialists believe that humans are responsible for their own choices and actions. Meursault is responsible for his own actions, even though they may not make sense to others. He chooses to kill the Arab man, even though there is no reason to do so. Meursault also chooses to live a life without meaning or purpose.

Exist is a strong word that emphasizes individual existence and freedom of choice. This idea, which was developed between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, had a profound influence on literature. Albert Camus’s The Stranger is a good illustration of existential ideas being blended together.

The purpose of this paper is to explore how Camus’ The Stranger embodies various tenets of existentialism. Existentialism, as put forth by Jean-Paul Sartre, is the idea that humans must create the meaning and purpose of their own lives, as there is no inherent meaning or purpose in the universe.

This lack of inherent meaning can be seen as a result of the death of God; without God, there can be no objective source of morality or meaning. The idea that humans are responsible for creating their own meaning is a significant aspect of The Stranger.

The protagonist, Meursault, is a perfect example of an existential hero. He does not conform to society’s expectations and norms; instead, he lives according to his own code. Meursault is an honest character; he does not try to pretend to be something he is not. For instance, when his employer asks him to feign sorrow at his mother’s funeral, Meursault refuses, saying “I had been sorry for her in the abstract, of course, but now that she was dead I didn’t see why I should have to put on an act” (Camus 24).

Meursault’s lack of emotion at his mother’s funeral shocks and confounds those around him; they cannot understand how he could be so callous. However, Meursault is simply being true to himself; he does not believe in putting on a false facade for the benefit of others.

The significance of existentialism in his writings aids in the development of his characters; it influences how they behave and react to their surroundings. Due to the effect of existentialism, such activities are frequently distinctive. The Stranger is a novel by Camus. He’s considered the classic example of existentialism, if you will.

The actions that he takes throughout the novel often align with those of an existentialist. For example, Meursault does not believe in conventional morality; he believes that there is no inherent good or evil, and that actions are only right or wrong based on their consequences. He also has a very strong sense of individualism and freedom; he does not conform to societal expectations and instead chooses to do what he wants, when he wants.

These two beliefs lead him to kill an Arab man, an act which is considered morally wrong by society. However, Meursault does not see any problem with his actions; to him, it was simply a matter of convenience and personal preference. This event ultimately leads to Meursault’s downfall, but even then he does not regret his actions; he remains true to his beliefs throughout the novel.

Existentialism is a philosophical and psychological movement that stresses the existence of the individual self and the subjective experience of life. It emphasizes the unique experience of the individual, rather than the universal experience. It is a response to the disconnection that people feel in the modern world.

Existentialists believe that humans must create their own meaning in life, as there is no inherent meaning in the universe. They also believe that humans are free beings, capable of making their own choices. This philosophy had a significant influence on Camus’ work. The Stranger is often seen as an existentialist novel due to its focus on the individual experience and its lack of interest in the universal experience.

The use of existentialism allows Camus to explore the human condition and the nature of existence. It also allows him to create a unique and interesting protagonist in Meursault. The philosophy of existentialism is essential to understanding The Stranger and its characters.

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