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Essay On Candy Chromatography

When people hear candy chromatography, they don’t know what to think about it. They of course know that it had something to do with candy. But just don’t know what. Candy chromatography is fun and simple. Candy Chromatography is a fun project, plus it has to do with candy. Candy Chromatography is an experiment to find out the true colors of the dyes in candy. When you put a skittle or an M&M in your hand in hot weather, the candy tends to bleed the color.

And sometimes it shows more than one color. For example, Beth Touchette explains that “When you were a toddler, you might have insisted on eating only one color of M&Ms because. After some experimentation, you probably realized that the food coloring in M&Ms and other candies add only color, not flavor. “). Solvent is the study of substances that are able to dissolve. (According to Nadiline James explains “Solvent is the solution, liquid, or gas part of the solute concentration. The definition of solvent concentration is the amount of solutes/particles that are dissolved in a solution. “).

As there are many terms in just one experiment, these are just a few of them to know. Solution is the mixtures of substances. But, there are other meaning for solution. This just happens to be one of those. In all there are seven different terms for the word solution. (When Nissa Garcia explains that “When we think about solutions, the first thing we think about is a substance dissolved in water. Solutions are also present in the solid phase. “). These are examples of solution. (Then, also explaining Nissa Garcia “A solution is a type of homogeneous mixture that is made up of two or more substances.

A homogeneous mixture is a type of mixture with a uniform composition. Mixing salt with water, you can’t see the salt particles anymore. ”). She explains here what solution is and types of solutions. Then there’s hydrophilic, which is thing to be mixed together and putting substances together. (As Tash Hughes says “Barite, hematite, minerals in drilling fluids, some membranes, glucose/sugar and many other substances are known as hydrophilic. In comparison, oils, proteins, colloids, greases and clays are hydrophobic. “). They explain what hydrophilic is.

Retention Factor (RF) is the distance traveled divided by the solvent. (Like when the website TLC: Retention Factor states “The retention factor, or Rf, is defined as the distance traveled by the compound divided by the distance traveled by the solvent. The Rf for a compound is a constant from one experiment to the next only if the chromatography conditions below are also constant: solvent system adsorbent thickness of the adsorbent amount of material spotted temperature Since these factors are difficult to keep constant from experiment to experiment, relative Rf values are generally considered.

Relative Rt” means that the values are reported relative to a standard, or it means that you compare the Rf values of compounds run on the same plate at the same time. “) This states what and why retention factor is used. Retention factor is useful because it is important to know how far apart objects are. (As UCDavis CHEMWIKI tells “The Rf value can be used to identify compounds due to their uniqueness to each compound. Rf values and reproducibility can be affected by a number of different factors. “) This quote tells how retention factor is used.

Retention factor can help a lot during an experiment, not just chromatography experiments, but any other experiment too. As said before chromatography has many different experiments to do with like candy chromatography, paper chromatography, chromatography, and color chromatography. (As The Editors Of Encyclop? dia Britannica say “Paper chromatography, technique for separating dissolved chemical substances by taking advantage of their different rates of migration across sheets of paper. The method consists of applying the test solution or sample as a spot near one corner of a sheet of filter paper.

The paper is initially impregnated with some suitable solvent to create a stationary liquid phase. An edge of the paper close to the spot is then immersed in another solvent in which the components of the mixture are soluble in varying degrees. The solvent penetrates the paper by capillary action and, in passing over the sample spot, carries along with it the various components of the sample. ‘) they explain what and how paper chromatography is used for. They all have to do with colors. Having to do with finding the real dyes in colors. (As Science Buddies explain “What color is black ink?

Sometimes things are not just what we think they are. Often things can be broken down into component parts. One way to find out it to use a common chemistry technique called chromatography. “) This quote explains that there can be many object in just one object, just like paper chromatography. The paper chromatography experiment it tested to see what kind of dyes are just in one color. Know that candy chromatography has been explained, you can do this experiment for yourself. It’s a fun and easy experiment. There are many objectives in this experiment, but it all connects together.

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